When you hear the word THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), most people immediately think of its intoxicating and euphoric effects, but there is so much more to this substance. What is THC, what is its purpose and how does it affect the human body? In this article, we'll introduce you to THC and its effects in a little more detail.

What is THC?

Tetrahydrocannabinol, better known by its acronym THC or delta-9-THC, is one of the most well-known cannabinoids found in cannabis. It is the main psychoactive substance in cannabis, which induces an intoxicating mental state.

Ways of using THC

There are countless ways of using THC. Themost well-known method of use is smoking it. However, there are actually many different ways in which THC can be consumed. These include:

  • Inhalation: this is thefastest way to use and usually produces the psychoactive effect within a few minutes. THC can be inhaled by smoking, vaping or dabbing.
  • Oral use: THC can also be taken orally in the form ofcapsules, edibles, tinctures or oils.
  • Topical use: THC can be contained in products that are applied to the skin, such as lotionsand lotions, balms, bath salts and oils. Psychoactive effects are unlikely to occur with this use. However, these products may be useful for relieving pain and inflammation.

How does THC affect the human body?

Our body is equipped with an endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system consists of several cannabinoid receptors, lipids and enzymes that help the body maintain balance. It is thought that thepsychoactive effects of THC are due to the activation of CB1 receptors. CB1 receptors are located mainly in the central nervous system and respond when THC binds to them, thereby producing the psychoactive effects that cannabis users experience.

Each person perceives the effects of THC in a slightly different way. THC can produce a variety of different effects and sensations.

The effects of THC can include:

  • feeling relaxed,
  • euphoria or elation,
  • increased appetite,
  • drowsiness,
  • creativity,
  • laughter,
  • altered perception of time.

Therapeutic effects of THC

Although THC is usually seen as a recreational drug, it actuallyhas a number of therapeutic effects. THC can be used to alleviate health problems such as:

  • Chronic pain,
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • inflammation,
  • arthritis,
  • migraine,
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
  • cancer,
  • Crohn's disease,
  • Alzheimer's disease,
  • Parkinson's disease,
  • glaucoma,
  • ADHD,
  • multiple sclerosis,
  • insomnia,
  • anxiety,

Research on cannabis is still in its early stages and it is likely that as legalisation progresses, research will expand and thus improve our understanding of how THC and other cannabinoids can be used to treat these and other conditions.

Short and long-term side effects of THC

Thepsychoactive effects of THC can cause certain short-term side effects, including :

  • Drowsiness,
  • euphoria,
  • dry mouth,
  • red eyes,
  • slower reactions,
  • memory loss,
  • rapid heartbeat.

There is very little concrete evidence of long-term side effects of THC. Some of the long-term side effects include:

  • Mental disorders - some studies have suggested a link between marijuana use and an increased risk of mental disorders such as schizophrenia, depression and anxiety, particularly in those with a genetic predisposition. Therefore, if you suffer from schizophrenia, schizotypal disorder or any other mental illness, you should not use THC at all.
  • Memory - a 2016 study showed thatverbal cognitive impairment occurs after long-term cannabis use. In adults, long-term or heavy cannabis use may be accompanied by possible memory loss and reduced IQ, although the evidence regarding this risk is not yet clear.
  • Respiratory problems - frequent and prolonged use increases the risk of problems such ascoughing, chronic bronchitis and other lung diseases.

THC vs. CBD: What is the difference?

Both substances interact with our body's endocannabinoid system, but their effects are very different. THC induces an intense feeling of euphoria, while CBD is completely devoid of any intoxicating effects.

The chemical structure of CBD and THC is very similar. Only a slight difference in the arrangement of the atoms causes different effects on the body. THC binds to CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the brain, whereas CBD binds to CB1 receptors only weakly or not at all. The effects of CBD are mainly seen inthe relief of pain, inflammation, anxiety and other health conditions.

Is THC good for your health?

There is a lot of evidence about the harms and benefits of cannabis for human health. THC is the subject of many misconceptions and many people therefore believe that the medicinal substance in cannabis is only CBD. However, THC has several possible medical uses and its accompanying effect may even contribute to the effectiveness of CBD. According to some studies, it can alleviate chronic pain and other health problems.

You already know the health benefits and drawbacks of THC, as well as the difference between THC and CBD, but have you heard of the cannabinoid CBG or Delta-8-THC, for example? Visit our blog to read more about these cannabinoids and many more.
