Get ready for a stunning journey into the world of the best cannabis strains! Our goal is to introduce you to incredibly powerful genetic models that will blow you away. From amazing strains with high THC content to strains with fascinating terpenes and excellent effects. We will explore their characteristics. Join us on this epic cannabis journey!

Criteria for evaluating strains

The criteria for evaluating cannabis strains are based on various factors that affect the quality, potency and overall performance of the plants.

  • Cannabinoid content. Evaluating strains involves measuring the content of these cannabinoids to determine their potency and effects. For example, high THC content is associated with psychoactive effects, while higher CBD content can have relaxing and therapeutic effects.

  • Terpenes: Terpenes are aromatic compounds that impart aroma and flavour to cannabis. The evaluation of strains includes an assessment of their terpene profile, which may influence their effects and characteristics. Different terpenes have different effects and therefore their presence and proportion in a strain is important for its evaluation.

  • Physiological characteristics: Theevaluation of strains also includes an assessment of their physiological characteristics such as plant height and shape, branching, size, flower density and general plant structure. Good quality trunks usually have a robust and healthy structure, which is important for producing high yields.

  • Yield and productivity: Evaluation of the stems also includes an assessment of their yield and overall productivity. This includes the quantity and quality of the flowers that the trunks produce, as well as the growth rate and maturation time. Strains with higher yields are generally preferred for commercial cultivation.

  • Disease and pest resistance: The evaluation also includes the resistance of the strains to various diseases, fungi, insects and pests. Strong strains have the ability to resist pests and diseases and maintain a healthy and stable plant structure.

  • Stability of genetics: stable genetics means that the strain will produce such effects, traits and morphology in every reproduction. This is important for plant quality and traits.

  • Overall user experience: The evaluation of cannabis strains also includes the overall user experience, including their subjective sensations, effects, aroma and taste. A quality strain should offer a pleasant, balanced and enjoyable user experience .

Strains with a high THC content

  • Godfather OG: This strain is considered one of the strongest on the market, with THC levels often exceeding 34%. It provides strong and lasting psychoactive effects that can be intense to hallucinogenic. It is known for its sweet, floral aroma and its distinct relaxation of the body .

  • Strawberry Banana: This variety is another example with a high THC content, often exceeding 30%. It has a sweet and fruity taste that is reminiscent of strawberries with bananas. It is popular for its powerful psychoactive effects that can boost mood and cause euphoria. It can also provide calming effects.

  • Bruce Banner: This strain is known for its extremely high THC content, which can be around 30-32%. It provides strong and long-lasting effects that manifest as intense euphoria and physical relaxation. Bruce Banner also has a pleasant aroma with fruity and citrus notes.

Strains high in CBD

  • Charlotte's Web: This strain is known for its high CBD content, which often exceeds 20%. It has been bred specifically for medical use and is popular among patients with epilepsy and other neurological disorders. It has a mild and fruity aroma.

  • Harlequin: This strain also has a high CBD content of between 10-15%. It is known for its balanced effects that combine relaxation and mild stimulation. It has a strong citrus aroma and flavour.

  • ACDC: This strain also has a high CBD content, often reaching 20%. It is popular for its relaxing effects and its ability to reduce anxiety and stress. It has a mild and fruity taste.

Strains with high terpene content

  • Limonene Dream: This strain is known for its high terpene content, especially limonene. Limonene is a citrus terpene that gives the strain a fresh and fruity aroma. It is popular for its stimulant and antidepressant properties.

  • Myrcene Queen: This variety is rich in the terpene myrcene, which has a spicy and herbal aroma. Myrcene has relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties. This variety is popular for its ability to release tension.

  • Pinene Punch: This variety contains a high amount of pinene, which has a pine scent. Pinene is known for its stimulating and concentrating effects. The variety is popular among people looking for revitalization and a clear mind.

Strains with the best physiological properties

  • Blue Dream: This strain is known for its excellent physiological properties. It has a robust and strong plant structure that allows it to withstand various stress factors. It also has the ability to grow quickly and yield high.

  • Gorilla Glue: This variety is highly valued for its excellent physiological properties. It has a strong root system that allows it to absorb nutrients and water from the soil efficiently. It is also veryresistant to fungal diseases and pests.

  • Green Crack: This variety is known for its exceptional vigour and physiological resistance. It has strong and healthy stems that provide stability and resistance to windy conditions. It also has the ability to flower quickly and has a high resistance to stress conditions such as lack of water or high temperatures.

Stems with the highest yield and productivity

  • Big Bud: This variety is known for its stunning yield and high productivity. Its main characteristic is the huge number and density of buds, which produce admirable yields. It is ideal for cultivation to produce a large number of flowers.

  • Critical Mass: This variety is another representative with high yield and productivity. Its flowers are full and heavy, ensuring a high harvest weight. It also has fast growth and a short flowering period, which allows for a rich and high quality crop.

  • Amnesia Haze: This variety is known for its exceptional yield and large inflorescence. It has long, dense and compact buds that produce abundant harvests. It is popular with growers for its high productivity and energising effects.

Strains with high resistance to diseases and pests

  • Super Silver Haze: Its genetics allow it to resist mold, fungi and pests, making it an ideal choice for growing in a variety of environments. It also has a strong resistance to moisture and temperature extremes.

  • Northern Lights: It has a strong immune system that helps it resist mold, fungi and various pests. It also has the ability to adapt to different environments and growing conditions.

  • Blue Dream: This variety is another example of a variety with high resistance to diseases and pests. It is known for its robust and strong nature, which enables it to resist various infections and pests. It is suitable for both indoor and outdoor cultivation and shows high stability and resistance to external factors.

Strains with the most stable genetics

  • Skunk #1: Its genetics have been carefully bred and crossbred, ensuring consistent characteristics and traits in the plant. Skunk #1 is also known for its ability to maintain its genetic stability under a variety of growing conditions.

  • White Widow: This variety is considered one of the most stable varieties on the market. Its genetics have been carefully bred and maintained, ensuring consistent traits and characteristics from plant to plant. White Widow is a popular choice among growers due to its reliable and stable genetics.

  • Northern Lights: Its genetics have been bred and maintained over a long period of time, ensuring consistent results and plant quality. Northern Lights is a favorite among growers because of its reliable and stable genetics that produce consistent performance and yields.

The varieties with the best results in the overall user experience

  • Girl Scout Cookies: has a combination of pleasant aroma, excellent flavor and strong effects. Girl Scout Cookies offers a balanced blend of euphoria, relaxation and creativity that is highly enjoyable for the user.

  • Blue Dream: Provides gentle and calming effects that are accompanied by creativity and a positive mood. Blue Dream also has a pleasant fruity aroma and taste that contribute to the overall pleasure of the user.

  • Sour Diesel: Provides powerful and stimulating effects that energize the user and encourage creativity. Sour Diesel also has a distinctly pungent aroma with a hint of citrus notes, adding another dimension to the overall experience.

In conclusion, the best cannabis strains offer excellent genetics, high levels of THC or CBD and exceptional terpene profiling. These strains guarantee a strong and enjoyable cannabis experience and will please both novice and experienced users. Choose your favourite strain and explore all of its exceptional properties and effects.

Don't forget to check out our wide range of quality cannabis seeds in our shop and experience the best strains for yourself!

The articles on our blog are for informational purposes only and are not intended to promote illegal cannabis consumption or cultivation. In the Czech Republic it is legal to grow cannabis seeds up to 1% THC!