An important factor in the use of cannabis and hemp products is the ideal ratio between the cannabinoids CBD and THC. While CBD brings calming and therapeutic effects, THC is the cause of psychoactive effects. The right ratio between the two substances can have a major impact on the resulting effects. In this article, we'll look at which ratio is appropriate for pain relief, why it's important to know your medical condition when choosing the right ratio, and why it's recommended to start with a lower THC content.

CBD vs. THC: How are they different?

CBD and THC are the two main cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Both of these cannabinoids have different effects on the human endocannabinoid system, which affects a number of physiological processes. CBD and THC continue to be the subject of intense research and their potential in medicine is only beginning to be discovered.

Thedifferences in the properties and effects of CBD and THC are as follows:


  1. Non-psychoactive: CBD has no intoxicating effects and does not produce a feeling of euphoria.
  2. Relaxing and anxiety-reducing: CBD reduces anxiety and tension and can have a relaxing effect.
  3. Anti-inflammatory: CBD has anti-inflammatory effects and may help with inflammatory diseases.
  4. Analgesic effects: CBD can relieve pain and discomfort.
  5. Possible potential in the treatment of epilepsy: CBD has been shown to reduce the number and intensity of epileptic seizures in some patients.


  1. Psychoactive effects: THC is known for its psychoactive effects and can induce feelings of euphoria.
  2. Analgesic effects: THC can act as an analgesic and help to relieve pain.
  3. Increased appetite: THC can stimulate appetite, which is beneficial for some patients suffering from lack of appetite.
  4. Anti-nausea: THC can help with vomiting and nausea, especially in patients undergoing chemotherapy.
  5. Muscle relaxation: THC can relieve muscle tension and help with muscle cramps and pain.

Different ratios of CBD and THC

There are a number of different ratios between CBD and THC that are used in cannabis products. Below is an overview and description of a few of them:

  1. Balanced ratio (1:1):
  • Contains equal amounts of CBD and THC.
  • This ratio provides a balanced effect between relaxation and psychoactivity.
  • It may be suitable for people seeking a combination of the therapeutic effects of both substances.
  1. CBD dominant (e.g. 5:1 or 20:1):
  • Contains significantly higher amounts of CBD than THC.
  • This ratio is often used by people who want to achieve the therapeutic effects of CBD without the pronounced psychoactive effects of THC.
  • It can help with anxiety, inflammation, pain and other problems.
  1. THC dominant (e.g. 1:5 or 1:10):
  • Contains significantly higher amounts of THC than CBD.
  • This ratio is often used by people who want to achieve stronger psychoactive effects and need stronger analgesic effects.
  • It is often associated with greater appetite stimulation.
  1. THC-free (CBD alone):
  • Contains only CBD and no THC.
  • These products are suitable for people who want to enjoy the therapeutic effects of CBD without any psychoactive effects.
  • They are used to relieve anxiety, inflammation, pain and other ailments.

It is important to note that the appropriate ratio of CBD and THC depends on the needs and preferences of each individual. Before using cannabis products, it is advisable to consult a doctor to choose the best ratio for your particular situation.

How do the effects of different CBD and THC ratios differ?

The influence of the CBD to THC ratio on the effects is an important factor when choosing a particular product. Below are the specific effects of different CBD to THC ratios:

  1. Higher CBD ratio
  • Greater relaxation and reduced anxiety,
  • Anti-inflammatory effects,
  • Weak psychoactive effects,
  • less intense feeling of euphoria.
  1. A ratio with a balance of CBD and THC:
  • Balanced effect between relaxation and psychoactivity,
  • Relief of pain and inflammation,
  • Promoting sleep and muscle relaxation.
  1. Higher THC ratio:
  • Significant psychoactive effects,
  • Increased appetite,
  • Stronger analgesic effects,
  • greater muscle relaxation.

What influences the choice of CBD to THC ratio?

Identifying your own needs and preferences is an important step in choosing a CBD to THC ratio. Below are a few factors that may influence the decision:

  1. Health: consider what health problems or ailments you want to treat with cannabis products. For example, if you suffer from anxiety or pain, a higher CBD ratio may be appropriate. If you are looking for analgesic effects, a higher THC ratio may be appropriate.
  1. Sensitivity: each individual may react differently to CBD and THC. Some people are more sensitive to the psychoactive effects of THC and prefer products with lower THC content. It is important to monitor your reactions to specific ratios and adjust the dosage to your own tolerance.
  1. Purpose of use: when using cannabis products, be clear about what you expect from them. Consider whether you only want therapeutic effects, relaxation, pain relief or other specific effects. You will then be able to choose the appropriate ratio of CBD to THC based on your stated intentions.
  2. Desired effects: consider what effects you prefer. For example, if you want to minimise psychoactive effects, a higher CBD ratio may be appropriate. If you want relaxation and mild euphoria, a higher THC ratio may be appropriate.
  1. Expert advice: if you are still unsure, it is advisable to consult a doctor or cannabis product expert . An expert can recommend and tailor the ratio of CBD and THC to your individual needs and requirements.

How to choose the right CBD to THC ratio?

Choosing the right CBD to THC ratio is individual and depends on each person's specific needs and preferences . Below are some tips and tricks that can help you choose the right ratio:

  1. Consult experts: see a professional, such as a doctor or pharmacist, who is familiar with cannabis and its effects. They can advise you on choosing the right products and recommend the right ratio of CBD to THC for your needs.
  1. Start with a low ratio: if you are just starting out with cannabis, we recommend starting with products that are low in THC and higher in CBD. You can gradually increase the THC ratio if you find it appropriate and feel the need for stronger effects.
  1. Experiment: each person responds to cannabis individually. It is important to experiment with different ratios of CBD and THC and see how they affect you. Start with lower doses and gradually increase them according to your satisfaction and reactions.
  2. Don't forget your medical condition: if you have a medical condition or are taking medication, you should consult your doctor about the appropriate ratio of CBD and THC and their possible interactions with medication.
  1. Recommendations from other users: ask other users about their experiences with different ratios of CBD and THC. Their feedback can help you choose the right ratio.

A few words in conclusion

Determining the ideal ratio of CBD to THC is individual and requires experimentation and consideration of your own needs. It is important to consider your health, sensitivity and intentions for use. Consulting with experts and trusting their recommendations is key. For beginners, a low ratio of THC and a higher ratio of CBD is recommended, which you can gradually adjust to suit your needs. Gradually experiment with different ratios and monitor your body's reactions. The key to finding the best ratio for your needs is to be aware of and listen to your body.

Now that you know more about the ideal ratio of CBD to THC and how it affects your health, it's time to put that knowledge into practice! Visit our e-shop and browse our wide range of natural CBD oils, capsules, creams and other products. So don't wait and invest in your health today.