The most common mistakes in growing cannabis - nutrients
The basis of all success are certainly nutrients. So to be precise, the soil is full of nutrients, whether vitamins or minerals . However, the soil in which the cannabis plant is grown and at the same time able to absorb all these important nutrients must have the correct acidity, also known as soil pH . In today's article, we will most often introduce you to the problems that may occur in connection with nutrients in the soil, and of course we will also advise you on their solution and prevention ...
Deficiency (deficiency) of some nutrients is manifested by a very wide range of defects on the whole plant or only parts of it. These negative manifestations can, for example, slow down the growth, the plant can also turn yellow or brown, and last but not least, a general weakening of the stem, twisting or drying is common…
However, before you rush to solve the supposed problem, it is advisable to check the mentioned pH of the soil . Usually, the wrong acidity of the substrate is to blame, which causes damage to the plant. The correct pH values range between 6.5 - 7.0. In the case of hydroponic cultivation, the pH is slightly lower, between 5.5 and 6.5.
Necessary nutrients and symptoms of their deficiency or excess:
boron | calcium | copper | iron | magnesium | manganese | molybdenum | nitrogen | phosphorus | potassium | sulfur | zinc
1. Boron deficit
Symptoms: Boron deficiency is manifested mainly by the overall slow growth of the plant , both in the case of leaves and roots. The plant grows poorly in height. When new leaves grow, they start to turn yellow very soon, they almost seem to be burned . Boron deficiency is of course also known on the stem , which is coarser and in some cases even hollow .
Solution: First of all, check the pH of the soil , as boron deficiency can occur at both high and low pH. The ideal acidity of the soil is really important. If the acidity is OK, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient amount of potassium and nitrogen in the substrate . It is these 2 substances that increase the absorption of boron. It is a matter of course to ensure sufficient humidity . We recommend maintaining a stable calcium level together with the boron value.
2. Calcium deficiency
Symptoms : A typical symptom of calcium deficiency in cannabis is browning of the leaves - so-called "dead spots" appear, initially yellow, but gradually browning . In addition, cannabis leaves often twist unnaturally and flowers (including buds) are easily decomposed . If your plant is deficient in calcium, you will most likely need to supplement your magnesium and iron levels as well . In some cases, however, the problem is only in the roots of the plant, where certain bacteria can multiply , which of course severely damages the plant. Fortunately, you can easily recognize this problem by "thanks" to the odor that will come from the roots.
Solution : Verification of soil pH is again paramount. If it is normal, supplement with calcium and together with it, if necessary, the mentioned magnesium and iron . For these purposes, special mixtures of fertilizers are most often used in a specific combination of minerals (ie Ca + Mg). After correcting the pH and replenishing the necessary nutrients, it will take a while for the plant to "come together" again. You will get the results after about 1-2 weeks , when you can also look forward to new, hopefully, healthy leaves.
3. Copper deficit
Symptoms : It should be noted that this problem is less common, as copper is usually obtained in the soil . The problem is rather our known pH, whose poor values prevent copper from absorbing it . However, if the main cause of the defects is really a lack of copper, the problems appear generally, especially in growth and on the leaves. A typical feature of new leaves is twisting and dark color, while old leaves can be seen fading and discoloration to yellow or white .
Solution: In addition to poor pH, stress can also be to blame . If the symptoms described above occur, for example, in hydroponically grown plants, we recommend changing the water.
4. Iron deficiency
Symptoms : This problem occurs relatively easily and quickly, as iron is a fairly volatile substance. Its sufficiency is very important, especially for newly growing leaves . The deficit is characterized by characteristically fading yellowish leaves, while the veins retain shades of green.
Solution : The absorption of iron can be affected by excessive amounts of other nutrients, especially phosphorus. You can also work up the excess of this substance in a relatively easy way, if you fertilize too often or, for example, if the fertilizer you are using contains a high percentage of this element. Of course, don't forget to check the alkalinity of the substrate.
5. Magnesium deficiency
Symptoms : Unlike iron deficiency, magnesium deficiency affects the whole plant . Specifically, its leaves, which may have significantly lighter leaf edges - light green or even yellow . Likewise, these symptoms appear on the veins of the leaves, which also fade.
Solution : This problem is most often rooted in the wrong pH . We therefore recommend carefully measuring its values and, based on the result, adjusting the fertilization and plant care . If magnesium deficiency occurs in hydroponics, it is advisable to change the fluid in which you grow the plant.
6. Manganese deficiency
Symptoms: A common problem with manganese deficiency is yellowing of the leaves and venous system . The brown spots are no exception, which often spread more and more until the leaf dies completely . The plant generally withers, the leaves are deformed . Insufficient manganese in the substrate causes growth to slow to stunting .
Solution: While a large number of problems in growing cannabis are manifested especially at low pH, manganese deficiency is indicated by high soil acidity or too high levels of the iron element . You can correct the manganese level by reducing the alkalinity of the environment, ie the substrate.
7. Molybdenum deficiency
Symptoms: As you will read in the next paragraphs, the lack of this element can very easily be mistaken for nitrogen deficiency. The plant affected by molybdenum deficiency is characterized by mottled leaves, the color of which can vary from orange, pink to red-violet . This defect usually manifests itself from the edges of the leaf to its center.
Solution: Here, a direct relationship with the pH level in the soil applies. Molybdenum deficiency occurs only if the alkalinity of the substrate falls below 6.5 (for hydroponic plants 5, - 6.0) . A really low pH prevents not only molybdenum but also other nutrients from being sufficiently absorbed.
8. Deficit vs. excess nitrogen
Symptoms: Correct values of nitrogen in the soil are especially very important in the vegetative phase . As soon as the hemp plant starts to grow, it is absolutely necessary to start reducing the nitrogen values in the substrate. You can do this very easily, just avoid using fertilizers containing this element. Nitrogen deficiency is characterized by yellowing of the entire leaf, not just parts (usually from the bottom of the plant), until eventually the leaves die completely. Yellowing of the lower leaves is normal only in the late stages of flowering. On the contrary, the excess nitrogen in the soil is manifested by a very slow and unsatisfactory growth. The plant has a weak stem and is not richly overgrown. The leaves have a very unusual dark green color, sometimes they can even turn brown. Eventually they wither and die.
Solution : In case of deficit and surplus, a really simple solution is offered. In case of a deficit, watering with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer will suffice. The ideal time to "restart" the plant is the growth phase. If you want to free your plant from an excess of this substance, on the contrary, remove it on nitrogen fertilizer. Check the alkalinity to be sure.
9. Phosphorus deficiency
Symptoms : If cannabis plants really love an element, it's phosphorus. It helps them maintain a healthy root system, ie the whole plant , and of course it is also important for their growth. Hemp needs phosphorus especially in the flowering phase , for proper flower development. As we have mentioned, phosphorus and cannabis simply belong together, so it is unlikely that there will be an excess of it . This deficiency can be manifested by a large slowdown in growth and weakening of the plant. The occurrence of dark purple or gray-green spots is not uncommon either.
- Solution : The first step is to check the pH again and again . This process is really important. Excess iron or zinc can lead to phosphorus deficiency. If this situation occurs, check the composition of the fertilizer you are using. In case of deficiency, just apply a fertilizer with a higher phosphorus content.
10. Potassium deficiency
Symptoms : From the very beginning, potassium deficiency is mainly due to the low stature of the plant. The leaves, especially the older ones, begin to turn yellow and appear to be burned . The tips can also be dark brown. Iron deficiency has similar symptoms, so be careful.
Solution : There is usually too much nitrogen and calcium in the soil behind everything. Of course, the problem can also be in the wrong alkalinity, so be sure to check the pH .
11. Sulfur deficiency
Symptoms : Easily confused with nitrogen deficiency. The symptoms of both problems are very similar. The plant may turn yellow from the lower older leaves. However, pinkish to orange lattice on the leaves is essential. Young buds also often die . The individual parts of the plant eventually fall off.
Solution : We recommend increasing the sulfur content in the substrate . You will have to wait at least a few days for the results, but after a week you should see an improvement .
12. Zinc deficiency
Symptoms : The initial sign is a change in the color of the young leaves on top of the plant . The color changes to deep yellow, while the veins remain green . Thus, the leaves may appear streaked, but gradually die and the plant stops growing in height .
Solution : First, measure the pH level. If necessary, level it and replenish nutrients . Ideally, add manganese and iron to the plant along with zinc . Hydroponics then require a complete change of the liquid in which they are grown.
Cannabis / marijuana seeds are intended exclusively for collecting purposes! Growing plants with a higher THC content is a misdemeanor or a crime!