Proper fertilisation is the key to getting healthy and strong plants full of valuable substances. In this article, we'll reveal the secrets to successful cannabis cultivation and introduce you to the best fertilisers to ensure high yields and a quality harvest. Why is organic fertiliser inferior to synthetic fertiliser in terms of dosage? Can the growth stage of the plant affect fertilisation? The answers to these questions and many more can be found in this article, so keep reading to discover the secrets of successful cannabis cultivation!

What are the right fertilisers for cannabis?

In a suitable fertiliser for cannabis, focus on the following nutrients and composition for optimal growth:

  • Nitrogen (N) - contributes to the growth of new leaves and shoots.
  • Phosphorus (P) - essential for root and flower development.
  • Potassium (K) - contributes to flower formation and increases resistance to stress.
  • Calcium (Ca) - important for a strong and healthy plant structure.
  • Sulphur (S) - contributes to protein and chlorophyll formation.
  • Magnesium (Mg) - is essential for photosynthesis and chlorophyll formation.
  • Micronutrients - iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and other important substances affecting various biochemical processes.

Organic vs. synthetic fertilizers for cannabis.

Organic fertilizers


  1. Natural composition: they are made from natural substances such as compost, guano, seaweed and others.
  2. Sustainability: they reduce the burden on the environment because they are biodegradable.
  3. Long-term release: they supply nutrients to plants gradually and over a long period of time.
  4. Soil improvement: they increase soil fertility and the abundance of soil micro-organisms.


  1. More gradual action: interaction with the soil may take longer, which may initially lead to slower plant growth.
  2. Limited precision: they are harder to control in terms of dosage and nutrient composition.

Synthetic fertilizers


  1. Fast acting: nutrients are quickly available to the plant and have an immediate effect.
  2. Accuracy: ability to control nutrient composition and dosage precisely according to the needs of the plant.
  3. Easy to use: easy to apply and affordable.


  1. Chemicals: contain synthetic chemicals that can have a negative effect on the soil and the environment.
  2. Short-term exposure: nutrients are quickly used up, which can make plants susceptible to overfertilisation.
  3. Reduction of biodiversity: can have a negative impact on soil organisms and the ecosystem.

Best fertilisers for cannabis

The right choice of fertiliser can have a big impact on the growth and yield of cannabis. Below is a list of the best fertilisers available on the market:

Organic fertilizers

  1. Compost: compost is an organic fertiliser made from decomposed organic materials such as garden waste, kitchen scraps or leaves. It contains large amounts of nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and micronutrients. Compost improves soil structure, retains moisture, provides plants with a constant supply of nutrients and contributes to the activity of micro-organisms in the soil. This contributes to the overall condition of the soil while promoting healthy growth of the cannabis plants.
  1. Guano: Guano is a natural fertiliser that comes from the faeces of seabirds or bats. It contains high amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are key nutrients for plant growth and flowering. Guano is known for its high efficiency and is popular among growers for its beneficial effects on plants and sustainability.
  1. Seaweed: seaweed is another organic fertilizer that contains many important minerals, micronutrients and micro-nutrients. It improves soil structure, retains more moisture and provides plants with key nutrients needed for healthy and rapid growth. Seaweed is also known for its ability to increase the resistance of plants to stressful situations such as drought or pests.

Synthetic fertilizers

  1. NPK fertilizers: NPK fertilizers are synthetic fertilizers containing nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in various proportions. These nutrients are crucial for different stages of plant growth. Nitrogen contributes to green leaf formation and plant growth, phosphorus is essential for root, flower and fruit development, while potassium strengthens plant resistance and contributes to flower and fruit formation. NPK fertilisers are often specifically designed for different types of plants and are popular for their accuracy and effectiveness.
  1. Mineral fertilisers with micronutrients: these fertilisers contain important micronutrients and microelements that are essential for various biochemical processes in plants. These include iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn) and others. Mineral fertilizers with micronutrients are designed to provide plants with the specific nutrients they need for healthy and profitable growth.

How to use cannabis fertilisers correctly?

Proper fertilisation is essential for successful cannabis cultivation. The tips below can help you avoid over- or under-fertilising and ensure optimal results:

  1. Correct dosage: follow the recommended dosage on the fertiliser packaging. Excessive amounts of fertiliser can cause over-fertilisation and damage plants. Conversely, under-fertilisation can lead to nutrient deficiencies and impaired growth.
  1. Accurate application: use appropriate fertiliser application tools to ensure even distribution of nutrients in the soil.
  1. Frequency of application: ensure a regular and balanced application rate throughout the plant's growth cycle. Too frequent application can lead to a build-up of nutrients in the soil, which is not beneficial to the plant.
  1. Optimum growth stages: follow the recommendations for fertilisation at different stages of plant growth. For example, more nitrogen is needed in the vegetative phase to encourage leaf growth, while higher rates of phosphorus and potassium are important in the flowering phase to encourage flower and fruit production.

A few words in conclusion

Choosing the right fertiliser plays a vital role in growing cannabis correctly and profitably. Organic fertilisers such as compost, guano and seaweed provide plants with a long-term supply of nutrients and improve soil structure. Synthetic fertilisers, such as NPK fertilisers and mineral fertilisers with micronutrients, allow more precise control of plant nutrition and a quick response to the actual needs of the plants. The best results can be achieved with a combination of organic and synthetic fertilisers adapted to the growth stages. Careful monitoring and correct fertiliser dosage minimises the risk of over- or under-fertilisation, which contributes to healthy growth of cannabis plants and quality results.

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