CBD is becoming increasingly popular due to its potential therapeutic effects. However, questions still circulate among people about the safety and addictiveness of this substance. In this article, we look at the scientific findings and studies regarding the addictiveness of CBD. We'll find out what the latest studies say about CBD's addictiveness and why some people may feel addicted to CBD. Continue reading the latest research and discover if CBD is truly non-addictive and what its potential health benefits are.

What is CBD?

CBD, which stands for cannabidiol, is one of the many active compounds found in cannabis. It is a phytochemical compound that has unique properties and a wide range of potential therapeutic effects.

Differences between CBD and THC

  1. Psychoactivity: CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it does not cause a dazed or 'addictive' feeling. THC, on the other hand , has psychoactive effects and is the main cause of the intoxicating effects of marijuana.
  1. Addictiveness: CBD is not addictive and therefore its use does not cause physical dependence. On the other hand, THC can be addictive for some users.
  1. Legality: CBD is generally considered a legal substance if it contains less than the legal limit of THC (usually 0.3%). THC is still illegal in some countries.
  1. Effects on mental state: CBD has more of a calming and relaxing effect that can help relieve anxiety and stress. THC can induce euphoria and changes in perception.

CBD and addiction

Addiction is a condition in which the use of a substance causes physical or psychological habituation and a desire for regular repeated use. As far as CBD is concerned, scientific studies show that this substance is not addictive and does not tend to cause dependence. This is due to the fact that CBD does not affect the central nervous system in the same way as the psychoactive THC. There are several studies that have looked at the addictive properties of CBD and most of them have concluded that CBD does not have addictive properties.

A review of existing studies and research on the addictiveness of CBD:

  1. A 2017 study published in the Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence found that CBD does not cause physical dependence or withdrawal symptoms.
  1. A 2018 study published in Frontiers in Pharmacology found that CBD may even help reduce opioid dependence and alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
  1. A 2017 survey in the journal Epilepsy Research confirmed that CBD use in epilepsy patients does not induce dependence and has positive effects on reducing seizures.

In terms of side effects, research has shown that CBD generally has a low risk of side effects. However, some users may experience mild negative effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth or changes in appetite. However, these side effects are usually well tolerated and not serious.

These researches and studies support the claim that CBD is non-addictive and has no addictive properties. Although the results are promising, more research is still needed on the effects of CBD on the human body and its interactions with other substances. To ensure safety, it is always advisable to consult a professional when using CBD, especially if you suffer from any health problems or are taking other medications.

Why might some people feel addicted to CBD?

  1. Individual reactions: each person may react differently to different substances, including CBD. Some people may feel addicted to the psychoactive effects of THC, even though CBD itself has no psychoactive effects.
  1. Substance abuse: there is a possibility that some people may abuse CBD or cannabis as a substitute for other illegal substances. Although CBD does not have addictive potential, it can be used inappropriately or unwisely.

Possible risks of CBD use

  1. Drug interactions: CBD may interfere with the liver metabolism of drugs, and some drugs may have increased or decreased effects when taken with CBD. Therefore, it is important to consult a physician before taking CBD.
  1. Product quality: as the CBD market is not well regulated, there is a risk that some products may contain impurities or insufficient amounts of CBD. It is therefore important to choose products from trusted manufacturers and to be wary of poor quality products.
  1. Tolerance and dosage: some users may build up a tolerance to the effects of CBD and need higher doses to achieve the same results. Judicious dosing and monitoring of after-effects is important to reduce potential risks.

A few words in conclusion

In conclusion, the scientific evidence suggests that CBD is not addictive. A number of studies and research confirm that CBD does not have the psychoactive effects that are characteristic of THC, the main psychoactive substance in cannabis. CBD acts on the body in a completely different way, by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, providing potential therapeutic effects without inducing dependence. Although the results are promising, some individuals may experience individual reactions. Therefore, the key to safe CBD use is toconsult with a physician, take the correct dosage and choose quality products. In general, CBD is a relatively safe alternative for treating a variety of ailments, but caution should be exercised and it should be understood that each person may react differently to different substances.

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