One of the main goals in growing cannabis is to achieve a rich harvest with quality buds. Currently, synthetic fertilisers and pesticides are commonly used to combat the problems in cannabis cultivation. These products are very effective, but they can damage the environment and affect the quality of the crop. Therefore, in recent years, natural and organic products have been increasingly used to contribute to healthier plants. This is also the case with trichoderma, a fungus that has recently become increasingly popular among growers.

What is trichoderma?

Trichoderma are useful fungi found in the soil that fight many different pathogens. Its abilities also improve rooting, growth and nutrient uptake, making it an ideal choice for growing plants without chemicals. In fact, this fungus establishes a symbiotic relationship with the soil and the plants that grow in it.

Benefits of trichoderma for cannabis plants

The use of trichoderma in cannabis cultivation can be very useful for many reasons:

It protects against pathogens.

Trichoderma can fight a number of infections caused by cryptogams or harmful fungi. Trichoderma is one of the best ways to biologically protect your garden and overcome any threatening pathogens. It can parasitize other fungi by attaching itself to them and producing enzymes that slowly break down their cells.

It can be added to the soil as a fertiliser or made into a solution to spray on the leaves of plants. Trichoderma forms a protective barrier in the rhizosphere around the roots, which prevents pathogens from spreading and also promotes the development of nutrients needed for growth.

Increases flower and terpene production

Trichoderma also promotes the overall growth of plants and their ability to produce quality buds. By increasing overall nutrient uptake and metabolic functions, yields will also increase. Therefore, cannabis cultivation that is well cared for will certainly produce many quality buds full of resin and terpenes. Trichoderma also increases the production of phytoalexins, which are antimicrobial secondary metabolites that are commonly found in the form of phenolic compounds and terpenoids.

It is natural and environmentally friendly

Trichoderma occurs naturally in soil ecosystems and its presence in your cannabis garden should have no negative impact on surrounding plants and animals. Trichoderma-treated soil is not toxic to animals, it does not harm other plants growing in the garden or the important microorganisms that are essential to maintaining healthy soil.

How is trichoderma used?

Trichoderma is used in the following ways:

  • Applying to seed before planting - seed coated with trichoderma before planting is more resistant to pathogens.
  • Soil treatment before planting - trichoderma can also be effective if used as a soil treatment before planting.
  • Support plants as they grow - add it to water and apply it directly to the soil near the plants as a liquid fertilizer.