Trichomes are small hairs or glands on the surface of the plant that have a significant effect on the composition and effects of cannabis. They contain many valuable substances, including cannabinoids and terpenes, which influence its medicinal properties. This unique trichome structure is one of the main factors contributing to the richness and diversity of cannabis products.

What are trichomes?

They are shaped like sponges. The stem supports a bulbous, spherical head. They are also tiny, approximately 50-100 microns wide (1 mm = 1000 microns). And although trichomes are thought to have evolved with a variety of functions, cannabis seems to use them primarily as defense.

Hemp trichomes are resinous glands that enable, among other things, the production of hemp CBD concentrates such as:


  • Flowers: Trichomes are most concentrated on cannabis flowers, especially on the calyx and pistils. These trichomes are rich in cannabinoids and terpenes, which are responsible for the medicinal properties of cannabis.

  • Leaves: Trichomes may also be present on the surface of cannabis leaves. They are usually found on the underside of the leaves where they are less visible. The trichomes on the leaves serve as protection against pests and excessive sunlight.

  • Stems: Trichomes can also appear on the stems of cannabis plants. They can be visible on the surface of the stems as well as on the nodes and branches. Their presence on the stems can help protect the plant from pests.

  • Flower leaves: Trichomes are also found on the flower leaves of the cannabis plant itself. These trichomes can vary in shape and size and are part of distinctive floral structures.

When do trichomes usually appear on cannabis?

Although most growers do not begin to closely examine the colour of trichomes on cannabis until the end of the harvest, trichomes are present in smaller numbers on cannabis plants from a young age, although some are invisible to the naked eye. As plants age, trichomes increase in number and become most visible in mid-flowering.

For most growers, the denser the trichomes, the better. Towards the end of flowering you will see a thick resinous crust of trichomes on the buds and leaves. This can give your flowers awhite/silvery appearance. If you squeeze the cones, the oils and terpenes in the resin head will ooze out onto your fingers and create a great aroma.

Types of cannabis trichomes

There are different categories of trichomes, each with their ownsize, shape and unique biochemical function. They tend to be shiny, sticky and always carry the most amazing scent.

Bulbous trichomes

They are the smallest of the group and appear on the surface of the entire plant, but are difficult to see. Bulbous trichomes are 10 to 15 microns in size, which is small enough to consist of only a few cells. They produce cannabinoids and terpenes.

Sessile trichomes

These are slightly larger and contain both a head and a stalk. They produce cannabinoids and terpenes. These trichomes are slightly more abundant than their bulbous brethren.

Single-celled simple trichomes

They are not glandular. This means that microscopically thin hairs protrude from the surface of the plant, but without the spherical resin head at the top. It is believed that these trichomes provide the plant's primary defense. They make it difficult for insects and pests to damage the plant. They may also provide some protection from wind and light. Single-celled trichomes are found on both the top and underside of leaves.

Stalked trichomes

They have a stalk that is made up of cells known as epidermal cells. The spherical head of the resin gland has a waxy outer layer of cuticle that acts as a "skin". Inside the resin head are cannabinoids and terpenes. These are produced by specialised cells between the top of the trichome stem and the spherical resin head. Theexact nature/proportion of cannabinoids and terpenes secreted is determined by the genetics of the original cannabis seed and also by the environment.

When to harvest cannabis by trichome colour

It is important to note that not all cannabis strains are the same and some trichomes show maturity differently. However, trichome colour remains the standard for determining when to harvest for most strains.

Alot depends on your personal taste when harvesting. One of the great advantages of growing your own CBD cannabis seeds is that you get to determine the exact moment of harvest.

Early harvests offer a lively, energetic type of effects. The trichomes will still beclear and colorless at this point . Althoughthe harvest is not yet at its peak, for some growers this early harvest is the best time to harvest cannabis.

Most growers tend to wait until most of the trichomes are milky in appearance and some are starting toturn amber. This also allows for a slight increase in crop yield compared to early harvesting of clear/colourless trichomes.

At harvest, when most trichomes begin to turn amber to red, the cells that secrete cannabinoids and terpenes begin to die. The resulting cannabis usually has the strongest effects. For some medical marijuana users, the late harvest is simply insurmountable.

Join us on our store to discover a wide range of CBD products that can help you harness the potential of cannabis trichomes!

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to encourage the cultivation or distribution of cannabis as a drug, but to create awareness of medical cannabis.