Terpenes have always been taken only as part of the "experience" of cannabis. However, their richness in the form of aroma and taste has many more uses, as they play a very important role in all the health effects of the plant.

Terpenes belong to a different group than cannabinoids (eg THC, CBD…) and perhaps for this reason they do not receive as much attention. Cannabis products have a marked CBD or THC content, but we rarely see terpenes such as linalool, pinene or limonene . Over time, terpenes have received more attention thanks to the so-called side effect, which highlights the combination of more cannabinoids and terpenes. Thanks to these combinations, the use of the therapeutic character is improved.

Cannabis produces a variety of terpenes, but in today's article we will focus on linalool.

Aroma of linalool

Unlike other terpenes , linalool is not so specific for cannabis. Spicy lavender scent is common in more than 200 types of plants. It has been proven that even if you are not a cannabis user, you get about 2 grams of linalool a year through food. This may seem like a fairly large amount, but there is very little risk of any adverse effects. In addition, linalool does not last as long in the human body and does not accumulate as cannabinoids. As a result, it is not stored in body fat and brain stores.

Therapeutic effects of linalool

Why do so many different plants produce linalool? Its antimicrobial equipment protects the plant from external parasites and at the same time offers possible therapeutic use in humans. Linalool (in the form of lavender or the stems and leaves of peanuts) has long been used in traditional medicine. It was popular mainly due to its sedative and antiepileptic effects.

In addition, linalool strengthens the immune system, making the human body much more resistant to stress.

How does linalool affect the brain?

Research suggests that behavioral effects of linalool may be most affected by its effects on the brain. One of the potential benefits of linalool is its equipment against some forms of epilepsy .

In addition, linalool relaxes muscles and offers pain relief thanks to its characteristic mechanism. It reduces the strength of acetylcholine, a chemical found in the brain that acts on muscles and movement.

"We believe that terpenes affect all processes in the brain. Mostly because it can change the behavior of brain cells. ”

Potential advantages in the fight against Alzheimer's

Probably the most interesting therapeutic use of linalool is its potential to become a new drug for Alzheimer's disease . Unfortunately, no cure for Alzheimer's has been found and current treatments are ineffective and unsuccessful in most cases. But that can change thanks to linalool. Researchers are currently investigating techniques that can reverse the development of the disease and return all brain functions to normal.

Article author: Josh Kaplan
Article source: https://www.leafly.com

Photo source: https://pixabay.com (authors: Hans, Kaz, pixel2013)

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- Natural cannabis: Terpenes and effects - Bisabolol

- Mysterious terpenes in cannabis: Feladren and Myrcen

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