The dosage of CBD is a key factor in reaping its beneficial effects. Proper dosage allows you to achieve optimal results and maximize the potential of this natural remedy. In this article, we will present important information about CBD dosage.

Factors affecting CBD dosage

Body weight: Your body weight can play a role in determining the right CBD dose. In general, a higher body weight may require a higher dose.

Individual sensitivity: Each person is unique and may react differently to CBD. Some people may need lower doses, while others require higher doses to achieve the desired effect.

Health condition: The dose of CBD may vary depending on your specific health condition. For example, a higher dose may be needed for pain management than for improving sleep.

Product type: the dose of CBD may vary depending on the type of product. For example, the concentration of CBD in oils, capsules, tinctures, or creams may offer what the recommended dose is.

Product purity and quality: The quality and purity of the CBD product can also affect the dosage. It is important to choose a quality product from a trusted manufacturer.

Dosage units

When dosing CBD oil, it is important to understand and correctly interpret the dosage units that are often used. The two most common dosage units for CBD are milligrams (mg) and percentages (%).

Milligrams (mg)

Milligrams (mg) are the most common dosage unit for CBD. They indicate the CBD contained in a single stock. For example, if you have a bottle of CBD oil with 300 mg of CBD, each drop would contain a certain amount of mg of CBD.

The dosage in mg is usually listed on the product label and can vary depending on the concentration of CBD in the oil. The exact dosage depends on individual needs and body reactions. It is recommended to start with a lower dose, for example 5-10 mg, and gradually increase it according to needs and effect.

Percentages (%)

Percentages (%) are the dosage unit that the CBD concentration by volume has reached. For example, CBD oil with 5% CBD contains 5 mg of CBD for every 100 mg of oil.

Using percentages can be used to determine how strong the CBD oil is. A higher percentage means a higher concentration. If you have an oil with a higher percentage, you will need a smaller volume of oil to achieve the desired CBD dose.

It is important to note that the concentration of CBD in the oil may not be the same as the amount of actual CBD. For example, 5% CBD oil may not always contain 5 mg of CBD in one drop, as one drop may have a different volume depending on the size of the vial and pipette.

Recommended starting doses and gradual increases

Recommended starting doses of CBD are usually between 5-10 mg per dose. This is a starting point that allows the body to gradually adapt to the effects of CBD. Initial doses should be taken for at least a few days to get a good idea of the body's response.

During this time, it is important to monitor the effects of CBD on your body and mind. Recording observations of symptom relief, mood change, or other benefits can help determine if the dose is sufficient or if it needs to be adjusted.

Gradually increasing doses is another important step in achieving the desired effects of CBD. If you don't feel any effects, or if they are insufficient, you can gradually increase the dose by 5 mg and monitor your body's response.

However, it is important not to exceed the recommended maximum dose of CBD. It is usually recommended not to exceed a dose of 50 mg unless there are specific instructions from a professional.

Methods of dosage application

Sublingual application: In this method, CBD oil or tincture is applied under the tongue and left there for 1-2 minutes. In this way, the CBD is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream through the lining of the oral cavity.

Inhalation: Inhalation of CBD is done using vaporizers or e-cigarettes. This method allows inhalation of CBD, which quickly enters the lungs and from there into the bloodstream. However, it is important to choose a good quality vaporizer and CBD oil free of harmful substances.

Oral consumption: Oral consumption of CBD is done through capsules, chewable candies or food supplements containing CBD. In this method, CBD is swallowed and passed through the digestive tract where it is gradually absorbed into the bloodstream. Oral consumption may take longer than sublingual administration, but offers long-lasting effects.

Topical application: Topical application of CBD is suitable for topical relief and skin care. This method of application involves applying creams, ointments, balms or oils containing CBD directly to the affected area of the skin. Topical application can be effective in relieving pain, soothing irritated skin and relaxing muscles.

CBD can also be addedto food and drinks. This way, it is easy to integrate CBD into your daily routine and enjoy its benefits when combined with your favorite foods and drinks. However, when adding CBD to food and drinks, the correct dosage and the stability of CBD when cooked must be taken into account.

It is important to consider your individual needs, desired effects, and convenience when choosing a method of CBD dosage application. Each method has its own specifics and rate of action, so it is advisable to experiment and find the one that works best for you.

General CBD oil dosage

As an example, let's take a 10ml pack of CBD oil at a concentration of 5%. Such a pack of CBD oil contains approximately 250 drops, and the total CBD dose will be around 420mg. One drop of 5% CBD oil is therefore roughly a dose of 1.6mg.

  • Preventive treatment: 2.5-15mg CBD orally, once a day.
  • Chronic pain treatment: 2.5-20mg orally, once a day for a total of 25 days.
  • Sleep disorders, insomnia: 40-160mg orally.
  • Treatment of epilepsy: 200-300mg CBD orally, daily for a total of up to 4 and a half months.
  • Treatment of musculoskeletal problems associated with Huntington's disease: 10mg CBD per kilogram of body weight, daily for six weeks.
  • Treatment of multiple sclerosis: Medical cannabis extract containing 2.5-120mg of combined THC and CBD, orally for 2-15 weeks.

If you want to try quality products, feel free to visit our store! Here you will find a wide selection of CBD products that are carefully selected to provide you with maximum quality. Come and discover the power of CBD for your health and well-being!

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as an endorsement of illegal cannabis consumption. In the Czech Republic it is only legal to grow cannabis with a THC content of up to 1%.