Anyone who has ever tried to weigh cannabis knows how important accurate weight is. But what if the scale fails or you don't have it handy at the time? Whether you're on the go, the scale is broken, or you just don't have it available, getting the weight of your cannabis right can make all the difference. In this article, we'll show you some creative and surprisingly accurate tricks to weigh cannabis without using a scale. So if you want to learn how to get the most accurate weight estimate possible without using a scale, you've come to the right place!

Why weigh cannabis?

Weighing cannabis is important for several reasons:

  • Dosage: accurate dosage is essential, especially when it comes to the medicinal use of cannabis. The correct weight will help you determine the optimal dose for your needs.
  • Legality: many countries have laws regarding the amount of cannabis you can possess. By weighing it, you will not exceed the limits.
  • Cost-effectiveness: if you are buying cannabis, you definitely want to know what you are paying for. Weighing allows you to check that you are getting the right amount for the money you spend.
  • Recipes: if you use cannabis to make different dishes or drinks, weighing will help you achieve the same quality and the right taste.
  • Harvest optimisation: growers weigh their crops to see which growing practices or conditions lead to higher yields.

Cannabis and the most common weights

Before we tell you the best way to weigh cannabis without a scale, it is useful to know how cannabis is actually weighed. The most common weights in which cannabis is usually available include:

  • 1g
  • 3.5g (8oz)
  • 7g (quarter)
  • 14 g (half an ounce)
  • 28 g (ounce)

Although you may see other weights, the weights in grams are the most common for the general consumer at the retail level.

How do I weigh cannabis without a scale?

Comparing the weight of cannabis to other items

This method involves estimating the weight of cannabis using known weights of commonly used items in your household. If you do not have a scale to hand, this method can give you an approximate weight.

Gum packets
: mostcommon gum packets weigh between 10 and 15 grams. So if you have an unopened packet of chewing gum, you can use it as a comparison weight.

  • Procedure.

AA batteries weigh approximately 23 grams. If you have a new, unused battery on hand, you can use it as a comparison weight.

  • Procedure.

Other common items:
other items you may have at home to use for comparison include a regular paper clip (approximately 1 gram) or a CD (approximately 15 grams).


  • These items are readily available and you do not need to invest additional money in them.
  • This method is used to quickly approximate the weight of cannabis.


  • This method of comparing to common items is not as accurate as traditional weighing with a scale. The result can be inaccurate and depends on the choice of comparison items.
  • Cannabis can vary in weight depending on humidity or other factors, which can affect the accuracy of the estimate.

Use of coins as comparison weights

This method consists of using coins as a comparison weight to determine the weight of the cannabis. Coins are common objects whose weight is usually known and can therefore serve as a useful aid for rough weight estimation.


  1. First, select several coins of different values. For example, you could use 1c (approx. 3.5 g), 2c (approx. 5.2 g) and 5c (approx. 6.8 g).
  2. Place the cannabis in one palm and the coin in the other palm. Try to guess whether the weight of the cannabis is similar to the weight of the coin and, if so, which coin best matches it.
  3. Gradually add or subtract coins and compare them with the cannabis until you feel you have estimated the weight as accurately as possible.


  • The coins are readily available and their weight is known, so this method is easy to use.
  • It is a quick estimation method that requires no additional special tools.


  • The accuracy of this method is limited by the coins available and their weight.
  • The weight of the cannabis can vary, which can make accurate estimation difficult.

Cannabis may be difficult to estimate, which may make it more difficult to estimate the accuracy of the cannabis.

With the development of modern technology, several mobile apps have appeared on the market that can supposedly weigh objects using various sensors on the phone, mainly the accelerometer. It is important to note, however, that these apps will not replace traditional scales in terms of measurement accuracy, but can be used for rough estimates.


  • Apps are readily available and easy to download to your phone.
  • They are usually simple to use and require no special skills.


  • The weighing function on a mobile phone is often inaccurate and cannot compete with a traditional scale.
  • The weight that this app can accurately measure is usually limited to lighter items.
  • The accuracy of this method depends on the quality and calibration of the accelerometer on the phone, which can vary.
  • Different phones and apps can give different results, which can cause inaccuracies.

Weighing cannabis using a ruler, coin and pencil

Weighing cannabis using a ruler, coin and pencil is one of the provisional methods of rough weight estimation.


  • First, place a ruler on a pencil. Place the pencil in the middle of the ruler to create a makeshift lever.
  • Then place a weight (in this example, a coin) on one end and a hemp stick on the other end.
  • Keep adding sticks until the ruler is roughly balanced, and lo and behold, with this method, you know the weight of your cannabis.


  • A simple way to approximate the weight of your cannabis.


  • The accuracy of this method is limited by the weight of the coins.
  • Different coins can have different weights, which can affect the results.
  • The inaccuracy of this method may be greater for heavier cannabis.

A few words in conclusion

Estimating the weight of cannabis without using a conventional scale can be a useful skill when you do not have a scale available. There are several creative methods to do this, including comparing it to common objects, using a ruler, or using mobile apps. However, it is important to remember that these methods are only a rough estimate and can be influenced by a number of factors. Therefore, it is best to rely on traditional scales. However, being able to quickly and accurately estimate weight can be a useful skill that can help you in a variety of situations where you can't rely on a scale.

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