The name itself suggests that it is a cafe, but this cafe will offer us more than just a cup of coffee. In addition to the traditional drink menu, you will also get marijuanaé menu.The selection is really wide and even a more demanding customer will surely find it. Unfortunately, we do not meet this type of cafés in our country. The only place in the world where this is legal is the Netherlands.

Coffee shops are a great tourist attraction. Over a million and a half people visit them every year. There are around 700 in the Netherlands and almost in Amsterdam itself third .

You can buy here 5g marijuana per person. Its already a limitation for sellers. But they are faced with a bigger problem, which is the possibility of folding only 500g.The government ceases to meet them and since 1.1. 2013 came out a new law that will result in some sellers crashing. It is a ban on selling marijuana to foreigners in the Netherlands. But lets get back to the beginning.


The beginning of coffee shops dates back to the beginning 1970s . The Netherlands at that time defines the distinction between soft and hard drugs, with hard drug dealers severely affected and soft drugs such as marijuana tolerated. Mellow Yello is one of the first coffee shopswa Bulldog.

1976- the law is being revised, where the amount of marijuana clearly defined is not considered a crime ( 30g ). Still, the ilgalita of the cafes lasts until the year 1980.

In the 90s the government decides to reduce the number of cafes. Operating licenses are being issued. All cafes must have a green-white label that proves they are licensed to sell marijuana.


As mentioned above, from 1.1.2013 the ban came into force marijuana sales to foreigners in the Netherlands. Only Amsterdam has an exception to the ban where marijuana can continue to sell to foreigners. Marijuana and hashish will only be available with a cannabis pass, but foreigners will not get it. The governments argument is that coffee shops are related to crime. Increasingly, illegal growing rooms supply coffee shops. Unfortunately, it may happen that you get a cannabis in which you are not sure how strong it is, whether it contains pesticides - chemiagainst biological pests, etc.

Výběr marihuany je opravdu široký

Coffee Shop Regulations

  • export ban outside the Netherlands
  • ban on selling hard drugs
  • sales ban under 18 years
  • max 500g in stock
  • max 5g marijuana per person

As a good tourist, if you decide to explore marijuana paradise, we will offer you some tips for very popular coffee shops.

Rasta baby

We can find it in Prins Hendrikkade 6-7, 1012 Tk Amsterdam, opening hours are 9: 00-01: 00. Music and interior adapted for reggae lovers.

coffee shop Rasta Baby

Gray Area

It is a small coffee shop, but very popular. He has a lot of good goods. It has a special American atmosphere, which is underscored by the music that is, in fact, American rock.

Image result for a gray area coffee shop


It is the most original and futuristic coffee shop. You will meet the friendly staff here. Opening hours are 7:00 - 01:00.

Picture result for coffee shop barneys amsterdam


This year it will celebrate 21 years of market presence. It is literally a beautiful, quiet and fabulous place.

coffee shop Abraxas

Pink Floyd

Large three-storey coffee shop. The offer of marijuana really extensive. You can eat cheaply and tastefully.

Related Image

Other: Kandinski- One of the smallest coffee shops, only one table and a small bar Bulldog- The oldest and best known, La Canna- Amsterdams largest three-storey coffee shop. Billiards available Doors- In the style of the 70s.

 bulldog coffee shop amsterdam

Související obrázek

After visiting one of the coffee shops you will surely take home an experience that you will remember for a long time.