Insect pests are one of the most common reasons for cannabis crop failure. Pests eat the roots of the cannabis plant, nibble the leaves and even attack the buds. Beneficial insects can help keep pests under control and prevent them from ruining your crop. It also improves soil quality without the need for aggressive chemical pesticides and fertilizers. So if you prefer to grow cannabis organically, using beneficial insects is the way to go.

Why use insects in the cannabis garden?

Anyone who has ever grown cannabis knows that it takes a lot of time, effort and patience. That's why you can imagine the frustration when pests destroy your plants at the last minute and undo all your diligence and hard work.

There are several common types of pests that like to feast on cannabis plants. Among the most common are:

  • Aphids,
  • whiteflies,
  • mites.

One of the easiest ways to get rid of these pests is by using pesticides. However, this is not an option if you grow cannabis organically. Pesticides could also leave traces of chemicals on the buds, which would not only spoil the taste but could also harm your health.

Therefore, beneficial insects are a better option to deal with pests. It creates a better environment for cannabis plants. They eliminate pests and take care of the accompanying plants, giving cannabis a better chance of reaching its full potential.

The main benefits of using insects in the cannabis garden include:

  • pest control,
  • plant pollination,
  • increasing biodiversity,
  • preventing the spread of diseases.

Insects that help protect cannabis plants

The most popular insects that growers use to help protect cannabis plants from pests include:


Ladybugs are a very reliable pest exterminator. Ladybugs like to feed on aphids, one of the most common pests in gardens. They can eat up to 60 aphids in a single day. They also eat the eggs of moths, beetles, mites and thrips.

The key to successful ladybugs in the garden is to provide an environment that attracts them to stay. By including suitable plants around the garden, you will give ladybirds a reason to stay.

Ladybugs like the following plants:

  • chives,
  • marigolds,
  • dill,
  • coriander.

Predatory mites

Predatory mites are effective biological control insects. The prey of predatory mites are crickets (generally hated by cannabis growers). Predatory mites are attracted to mint, so planting mint in the garden can encourage these very beneficial insects.


The praying mantis is an insect that is known for its predation. Mantises eat a variety of pests including aphids, flies, moths and mosquitoes. Mantises love shrubby bushes, which they use as their dwelling and hunting grounds. So you can attract them to your garden by planting the following plants:

  • Basil,
  • rosemary,
  • lavender.


Unlike the insects mentioned above, earthworms do not help in pest control. However, they have great benefits for the soil. They break down organic material and aerate the soil, improving water runoff and helping to produce nutrients that fertilize the soil beneath the plants.


Crickets are a common feature of gardens. They are often found under containers or stones. Like earthworms, they feed on decaying matter and can be a great addition to compost. Crickets are voracious, chewing through most things that come their way. From dead plants and leaves to dead insects. So crickets are a great way to keep your cannabis garden clean.

The key to protecting outdoor cannabis plants

Biodiversity is the key to protecting outdoor cannabis plants. Although cannabis plants have some natural resistance due to their high concentration of terpenes, they are not completely immune to pests. It is therefore necessary to check the garden frequently for signs of infestation.

The more life in the garden, the healthier your plants will be. By attracting beneficial insects to your garden, you will create a healthy food web and oasis of life in which your cannabis plants will thrive.

Already know how to prevent pests from ruining your crops? If so, get growing! On our website you will find different types of seeds bred specifically for outdoor cultivation!