• Scientists and doctors around the world break their heads and functions with the endocannabinoid system of the human body today - whyis he actually present in the body and what is the exact way in which he is able to regulate the diverse processes of our biological containers?

Since 1991, when scientists say, by mistake, they have discovered CB1 receptors in an effort to clarify the mechanism THC after all, not even two decades have passed. But now it is becoming increasingly clear to all involved that the endocannabinoid system is a very important part and mechanism of our bodies, without which our immune system, for example, would have collapsed.

In the last article we didregarding the endocannabinoid system looked at the basic facts and knowledge, today se rather focus on facts that are not yet known.

1. Doctors have not been taught about the endocannabinoid system to this day

In a survey of 2013, aptly titled "Ignorance is no Bliss" (loosely translated "Ignorance leads to happiness"), it was found that use 13% of medical schools across the US teach future doctors about the existence and functions of the endocannabinoid system ".

Nejznatestill more problem criminalizationmedicinal cannabis in many countries of todays world, including some US states. As a result of such behavior by national legislators, research into the healing and other properties of cannabis effects is considerably hampered. But the situation is growing with popularitymedical cannabis both patients and recreational users are changing, and so the future of the endocannabinoid system in schools and universities around the world is likely to emerge in the future

2. The endocannabinoid system works the most when we are sick

Some of the previous studies on this topic have found that the activity of the endocannabinoid system is most noticeable when our bodies are attacked by a variety of viruses and bacteria. As soon as such an attack occurs, endocannabinoid beginsstrive to restore balance and a balanced internal environment to the body.

3. The endocannabinoid system is the reason why cannabis is therapeutic

If we start to consume exocannabinoids especially in our casefrommedical cannabis the endocannabinoid receptors of our bodies begin to receive and use them properly. With continuous consumption, new, freshly prepared receptors for future exocannabinoids will also be formed.

Increasing in this system, the body is better aligned with, for example, inflammation. Among many othersother therapeutic benefits also include improved cell division, where the formation of new cells for the body is easier after the addition of exocannabinoids. If scientists map out the mechanism of the endocannabinoid system completely, it is quite possible that we will then be able to prevent or avoid a number of diseases.

4. EndocannabineOid receptors are the most numerous in the brain

The most famous of the bodys own cannabinoids is Anandamide, often called "the molecule of happiness". The lucky molecule plays a vital role in regulating how you feel, your mood, how you are able to think about how you are doing with memory, critical thinkingand appetite. All this with the help of a substance that can be delivered to the body from the outside world - using hemp.

5. In order to stimulate the endocannabinoid system, you do not necessarily need it THC

Outside the most famous, psychoactive THC that are medically good for many, you can also focus on "kindly" if necessaryi "acting CBD.CBDitself has excellent antioxidant, antidepressant and many other, beneficial effects on the body. Still, the best way to receive cannabinoids is still THCand CBDat the same time - it is so powerful synergistic therapeutic effect cannabinoids. 

6. The lack of cannabinoids in the body leads to the development of diseases

It seems that if the endocannabinoid system of the body is weakened, inflammation will increase in the body and, as a result, deterioration of various conditions, such as chronic pain .Surprisingly, the National Institute for Health named this condition - it is so-called"Clinical lack of endocannabinoids".A number of studies are now focusing on this condition.

By deciphering and finding a functional treatment for "Clinical lack of endocannabinodes", which may well be in cannabis,this could also lead to successful treatment of diseases such as fibromyalgieor irritable bowel syndrome.

7. All vertebrate groups have an endocannabinoid system

As it turns out, we do not own the endocannabinoid system, just humans. This system can also be found in amphibians, birds, fish, mammals and even some invertebrates.

If aboutthis fascinating biological system, which to a certain extent connects the realm of animals and plants, to learn more, we recommend weighing read the article "Introduction to the Endocannabinoid System".