• Endorphin flushing is an outdated concept, endocannabinoids have a more important function
  • Anandamide, or the endogenous twin twin, plays a central role in the "runners intoxication" mechanism

If youve ever been, or are still a fan of running, weight training or sports overall, you are sure to know the blissful feeling that comes after a quality, well done workout. The popularized term for this phenomenon is the so-called "runners drunkenness" running nirvana" or "runners high".

In the scientific literature, the "runners intoxication" sensation is characterized as "the feeling of pure happiness, awareness, connection with nature and oneself, inner harmony, unlimited energy, and the reduction of any pain sensation".

One of the scientific oneshypothesis explains this phenomenon as a neurobiological moss reward anism that follows after average and especially intense aerobic exertion. Logically, we can imagine that this mechanism of the human body has evolved as an evolutionary aid that forces us to get out of the couch (or climb out of the cave) and start doing something that helps us both physically and mentally.

InterestinglyIt is specifically human long-term endurance, which is quite unique in the whole animal kingdom. For example, in the lecture "Why Humans Run: Biology of Human Evolution and Marathon Run"Marathon Running) professor of anthropology at Harvard University, Daniel Lieberman describes the following: "As ancient creatures without claws, hairless and overall without weapons, we had to rely on our sc.the endurance of perseverance as the main ace up your sleeve against the stronger, faster and much more dangerous game we had to escape for survival, and hunt it. "

Not onlythus, the "runners intoxication" sensation gives us the motivation to exercise, helping us to develop the ability to maintain intense aerobic stress through longer periods of time. The fact that our body has developed this reward mechanism also makes sense because intense aerobic activity carries a higher risk of injury and consumes much more energy than moderate activity.

Endorfiny stwound, cannabinoids enter

Do you remember the whole fuss about running and releasing endorphins? Scientists with a great deal of help from the media have managed to popularize this concept of physical exertion and exclusion of endorphins extensively, which should result in a feeling of embarrassment similar to ingestion of narcotic drugs, especially opiates. The truth is that endorphins are internally produced opiates of the human body.

Scientistthey have already made enormous efforts to research this phenomenon. In one of the studies conducted in mice withit even showed that some of the mouse subjects became so dependent on running that they preferred physical effort to everything else. Some of them then surprisingly ran until they were exhausted and died. This result has led scientists to hypotheses about the running habits and comparing her to morphine addiction. However, these hypotheses have not been sufficiently substantiated, which has led the scientist to explore other possible connections: cannabinoids and endocannabinoid system.

Therapeutic cannabis and running

Researchers from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Arizona's School of Anthropology took up the following research. Ferrets, humans, and dogs were used as subjects in this study. The starting hypothesis of the scientists was the assumption of intense aerobic load as a trigger for neurotransmitters associated with the endocannabinoid system. Specifically, the scientists then focused on the "magic molecule" of anandamide, which is often described as "lucky molecule".

The name anandamid comes from Sanskrit (the original sacred language of Buddhism and Hinduism), where "ananda" means "joy, well-being or happiness" - it is the mimic twin Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. Anandamide, like THC, acts as a receptor triggerCB1 and CB2, which are responsible for the feelings of physical and mental rewards, ie feelings of happiness and euphoria.

Scientists followed up on a previous study on mice given a special substance rimonabant, causing cannabinoid receptor inhibition - mice that were given this drug were no longer interested in running. This study was the main stimulus for research into the association of aerobic load and endocannabinoid system. So scientists "recruited" dogs, ferrets and people with moderately good condition.

Scientists test their hypothesiscompare blood levels of dogs and humans (course mammals) with ferret (non-mammalian) levels after 30 minutes of aerobic exercise. As a result, researchers predicted anandamide levels increase in humans and dogs. In ferrets, as in mammals not equipped for long-distance running, the levels of anandamide did not change. Of course, the greatest increase in anandamide levels was seen in humans. 

So what this study can docan I infer? If you want to increase your own level of anandamide in your blood and promote your own well-being, you need to start moving.Furthermore, the intense movement in this case is much more effective than the slight movement.

Spekulujalso the effectiveness of the so-called high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE workouts), also known as "tabata training". This type of workout has gained in popularity in recent years, especially because HIIE training takes up little time, but it can very effectively "kick in" the metabolism and thus thegive me fat burning more than a longer workout. However, whether this type of exercise promotes anandamide levels as well as longer-term aerobic stress is still a question.

"Runners intoxication" in action

Let us introduce Mr. Matt Hook, marathon runner, author of "Running on Reefer" and member of "420 Games". It is hard to believe that 15 years ago this man was morbidly obese, opiate addicted, and fought depression. The awakening for him was almost fatal, a car accident. "When you are on the verge of life and death, it has a profound effect on you," says Hook.

After this accident, Matt set offon a challenging path to rehabilitation. His goal was not only to recover from an almost fatal accident, he wanted to completely transform his physical character and health. Almost as a blessing from Mother Nature Matt discovered cannabis and found that running for long trwhether in combination with hemp can be the key to healing and physical transformation.

Matt began working on his metamorphosis in a way he called "anandamid axiom". He decided not to rely on prescribed painkillers, and instead began running a long-haul run in combination with cannabis. "Over time I got toAt that time, Matt had no idea that there was a strong connection between running long distance and activating the endocannabinoid system. But "Runner's intoxication" motivated him not to keep up.

Not only was Matt able to lose more than 60 pounds of body weight, he was also rid of his strong opioid dependence. "After my first accident at age 19, I developed a strong opiate addiction that I fought for eight years," Matt recalls. "In the end, I almost reached the bottom and almost ended up in jail. That was a great realization for me. I started to run an active lifestyle and gradually got rid of all the medications I had taken before, thanks to cannabis ."

Reward mechanism ... really?

From an evolutionary point of view, it is very tempting to explain the "runner's intoxication" function as a reward for honest training. Professor Guillermo Moreno from the University of Irvine, California, and a researcher from the lab Piomelli Lab  which today's scientific community owes much progress in understanding anandamidových neurotransmitters, but describes the following: "anandamide induces so-called vasorelaxation (reduces vascular pressure), which is probably the homeostatic response of the body to previous, intense cardiac the real burden ".

Whatever the “runners intoxication” evolutionary feature, for athletes like Matt Hook and many others, this mechanism is a great way to naturally improve your mood and stay motivated for further training and life overall.

And what about you our readers? Have you ever experienced the "runners intoxication? Share your opinions and experiences with us in the comments section!"