How well do you know marijuana? Try a short quiz!

1. Which US Presidents are known to have been long-standing cannabis growers?

  • a) Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson
  • b) Bill Clinton and George W. Bush
  • c) George Washington and Thomas Jefferson

If you chose c, then it is correct. Both of these presidents supported the cultivation of cannabis, and in addition, they owned cannabis plantations themselves.

2. Synthetic THC is referred to as:

  • a) Dolesol
  • b) Dronabinol
  • c) Aminol

Patients often suffer from nausea in the treatment of cancer chemotherapy. Synthetic THC, referred to as Dronabinol, is prescribed for these nausea.

3. THC in the blood can be demonstrated by:

  • a) half a year after ingestion
  • b) one month after ingestion
  • c) 2-3 weeks after ingestion

THC can be detected in the human body in several ways: saliva, blood, or urine. For single marijuana ingestion, THC is detectable from the urine within about a month, even 3 months for long-term use. The blood is 2-3 weeks and the shortest time is from saliva - 48 hours.

4. According to the proportion of cannabinoids in conseveral so-called chemotypes have been identified. How many are there?

  • a) 5
  • b) 3
  • c) 4

The first type is high THC and low CBN (mostly from the tropics), high CBD and medium to high THC (Morocco, Afghanistan, Pakistan), high CBD and low THC (fiber and seed), medium to high THC and CBD and THCV over 5% (South African, Nigeria, ... medical use) and the last type are psychoactive cannabinoids up to 0.3% in dry matter (technical hemp). So who guessed the answer a) correctly.

5. What is it? Does he use a vaporizer?

  • a) To grow the growing room - using it helps to maintain the desired temperature and humidity, and helps to prevent mold
  • b) For the inhalation of active substances - the mixture is heated to a certain temperature when there is no burning and thus no toxic and carcinogenic substances occur
  • c) This is a special fertilizer dispenser that gives the plants the necessary nutrients at a precisely defined concentration

Technical progress cannot be stopped, and so a vaporizer was created, which is based on inhalation of carcinogenic cannabis vapors.

6. Phoenix tears or hemp extract:

  • a) increases blood pressure
  • b) lowers blood pressure
  • c) has no effect on pressure

In use For example, coffee compensation is recommended for phoenix tears in people with low blood pressure. It follows that the extract has an influence on the pressure and that it reduces it.

7. Marijuana cannot be treated:

  • a) poisoning
  • b) migraines
  • c) anorexia

Since cannabinoids contained in marijuana have analgesic properties, they help with migraine problems, in addition, marijuana stimulates appetite, thus helping to cure both appetite and appetite. It is indeed impossible to rely on its effects in poisoning.

Models cannabis for loss of appetite

8. With the concept of trichomes, you will recall:

  • (a) plants simultaneously forming male and female inflorescences
  • b) white hairs on plant flowers
  • c) resin glands

On the surface of plants (most on flowers, less on leaves and stems) there is a resin that is secreted by resin glands, called trichomes. Therefore, the correct answer is c).

9. In which year did the first attempts at cannabis breeding and THC increase begin?

  • a) 1940
  • b) 1970
  • c) 1980

Dutch Passion founder Henk van Dalen has been breeding since the 1970s. Initially he used the seeds of Thai and Nigerian cannabis and began to cross them with othersdrůdami. Answer b) is correct.

10. Cannabis with THC content can be designated as industrial plant by:

  • a) 0.3%
  • b) 0.5%
  • c) 0.6%

In 1961 there was a worldwide ban on cannabis cultivation. Therefore, THC-reduced varieties that could be used by industry began to be bred. It is possible to grow cannabis in the Czech Republic with a maximum THC content of up to 0.3%.

11. What amount of marijuana is tolerated in the Czech Republic as an offense?

  • a) 15g
  • b) 5g
  • c) 20g

Some time ago, the Code was modified and the original determination of the so-called small amount of drug - 5g of marijuana was increased to 15g per person. In large numbers, offenders face a term of imprisonment of between 6 months and 5 years.

12. Tzv. FIM Tech is:

  • a) a special technique for maintaining a small plant growth
  • b) special pinch technique
  • c) a special technique to help the plants mature in unsuitable climatic conditions

The first and last answer is wrong. The only correct is b). Two new branches will grow in place of the original stalk in classic pinching. With this technique, however, up to six new ones can be obtained instead of just two twigs.