• CBD is undoubtedly a "cannabinoid celebrity" in recent years
  • Due to its legality, ease of use and, in particular, its effectiveness in the treatment of many different diseases and conditions, CBD is enjoying increasing patient interest
  • Studies and scientific advances in medical cannabis are constantly pushing the usability and effectiveness of CBD products forward.

Natural therapeutic agents based on medical cannabis and its very important component, cannabinoid CBD, are becoming more and more available to the average customer and patient over time. However, with the greater popularity of this medical method, a wave of questions and questions is growing. “How to use CBD tinctures ?; What is the correct dosage of CBD? What diseases can CBD be used to treat? Can CBD be used preventively? ” We will answer these and many other questions today.

First, however, it is necessary to briefly summarize what is actually therapeutic CBD (cannabidiol).

CBD tinctures and drops - what are they?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a natural cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. Although CBD is only one of many cannabis cannabinoids identified to date, it may have enjoyed greater fame in recent years than "classic" THC. Like all other cannabinoids, CBD is able to benefit and interact with the human endocannabinoid system.

"Apart from the high variety of investigated therapeutic effects of CBD , the fact that its application does not reduce human attention and does not cause a psychoactive effect, such as THC, is very interesting for patients."

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In terms of possible therapeutic effects, studies are in full swing and the number of possible uses of this cannabinoid is still growing. One of the most proven medical effects , for example, is the ability to help radically in the case of childhood epilepsy. However, CBD is literally a promiscuous cannabinoid. By promiscuity is meant the vast diversity and especially the ability to interact with various cannabinoid receptors throughout the body. As for the possible therapeutic effects, the studies so far seem to be just the tip of the iceberg.

What diseases can CBD be used against?

As already mentioned, the full spectrum of possible curable diseases with CBD has not yet been mapped. However, the effort to compile a list of diseases against which CBD could have a beneficial effect is here and is still growing. Optimistic reports on emerging studies by researchers around the world can be seen seemingly on a daily basis. However, the findings so far speak in particular, with priority from top to bottom, of:

  • Pain relief:

One of the most frequently mentioned studies of the effectiveness of CBD against various types of pain is the research of the well-known cannabis researcher, Ethan Russo (2008). His research is a far-reaching and long-term observation of patients suffering from pain, observed from the 1980s to 2007. Based on the data obtained, the researchers concluded that CBD can be used as an effective analgesic that does not cause any negative side effects.

"A pleasant side finding was also the fact that patients also experienced deeper and better daily sleep. The importance of healthy sleep plays a particularly important role in the treatment of chronic pain. "

Also interesting is the ability of CBD to take action against acute, chronic and inflammatory pain. Here we come to arthritis…

  • Treatment of Arthritis with CBD

Another study, this time from 2016 , looked at the effectiveness of the cannabinoid CBD in arthritis-infected mice. Mice were administered a CBD gel for 4 consecutive days. As with the above study, the researchers concluded that a gel made from CBD extract was able to reduce the symptoms of arthritis and the pain associated with it. There is still a need for further, in-depth clinical trials, but there is already a natural hope for people suffering from arthritis in the CBD.

  • CBD for relief from the side effects of chemotherapy

CBD oil is also often used as a complementary treatment strategy for people who are experiencing (mostly due to cancer) regular chemotherapy. Chemotherapy involves a number of ailments, such as loss of appetite, general nausea , insomnia, and increased pain.

"However, research by the US National Cancer Research Institute (NCI) shows that it is possible to turn to CBD drugs as a possible effective choice for managing and relieving symptoms caused by chemotherapy."

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Also of interest are the following studies examining the effectiveness of CBD oils in conjunction with conventional pharmaceuticals, such as prescribed opiates. The interaction of both drugs has made the effect of opiates more effective, which could be useful for reducing their dose. Of course, reducing the dose of opiates also reduces the risk of dependence, the negative effects of opiates and, in particular, the risk of overdose.

  • Social and general anxiety

With oral administration of CBD tincture , a sharp reduction in feelings of social and general anxiety was also observed during the studies. For example, patients were able to enter public discourse with much less sense of coercion and social anxiety than those who were not given CBD. Furthermore, oral administration of CBD tinctures reduced another common condition, often associated with anxiety - obsessive compulsive disorder.

  • CBD against insomnia, sleep disorders

As far as the treatment of insomnia with plant CBD is concerned, the results of previous clinical studies are still quite weighing. Some of them even show that CBD can in some cases rather awaken a person and promote alertness. Maybe that's why sleep problems also occur as one of the possible rare, negative effects of taking CBD.

"Other research, on the other hand, mentions feelings of calm afterapplying CBD a few hours before bedtime and a sense of composure, helping patients to fall asleep faster and more peacefully."

On this topic, a 2016 research report examining the effectiveness of CBD for the treatment of PTSD (post-traumatic depressive disorder) is useful. Patients with PTSD were able to use both orally administered CBD (dripping under the tongue) to reduce both the symptoms of PTSD and speed up sleep.

CBD Tincture as a natural remedy

First, it is good to realize that cannabis CBD can enter the human body in many different ways. You can choose, for example, smoking or vaporizing varieties rich in CBD, or eating, for example, sweets made from hemp butter. So far, however, the most popular way to apply CBD (especially for patients - cannabis beginners) is to administer CBD by dripping under the tongue, in the form of a tincture.

CBD hemp tinctures are made by leaching hemp flowers or leaves in medical alcohol. There are a number of production methods, the most common of which you can study, for example, in the article " How to make homemade cannabis tincture". In this way, a very small volume of tincture can be achieved, which is, however, highly potent. With a very strong tincture, a person is able to get a high volume of cannabinoids into the system, while he can avoid especially the combustion method of application - smoking. Commonly sold tinctures are often flavored with natural essential oils, which, however, do not impair the effectiveness of the product.

How to administer, apply CBD tinctures?

As CBD tinctures are for the most part highly concentrated , it is recommended to dose (for most conditions) only a few drops. Of course, it also depends on the specific, percentage concentration of the tincture.

Because in most cases just a few drops are enough, CBD patients can easily combine the drops with foods such as pasta or soup. A popular method is also dripping from tea or coffee. Here, however, be careful - dripping drops into boiling water can destroy some of the active ingredients. For example, a combination with an evening tea full of soothing chamomile can be an ideal choice to calm down after a busy day and to prepare for a good night's sleep.

But you don't have to limit yourself to tea and coffee. You can also enrich your smoothie, hot chocolate, milkshake or even a more festive cocktail of your choice, with alcohol content, with CBD tincture.

What is the optimal dose of CBD tincture?

Questions about the dosage and correct metering of the application of CBD oils for various diseases are among the most common. As CBD is not yet an officially recognized, mainstream drug, there are also no official tables where the optimal dosage can be determined.

However, thanks to the unofficial user experience and studies to date, we have at least some idea of the appropriate individual dosage of cannabis oil to choose. In particular, the following must be taken into account here:

  • Selected CBD oil concentration

  • The weight of the individual

  • Individual reaction of a given individual to CBD

  • Severity of the treated condition

Summarizing all the factors mentioned above, it is clear to us that there will probably be no universal dose of CBD that works equally for all patients. It is therefore necessary to allow for a certain period of time, when the patient simply tests the various doses and measures their effectiveness by hand.

3 steps to find out a personal, effective dose of CBD

  • 1. Estimate the dose based on your body weight

As with many other substances, the total weight of the person depends, of course. Of course, heavier individuals will need a larger dose to achieve a positive effect. The basic measure here is taking 1-6 mg of CBD for every 4.5 kilograms of weight.

For example, for a person weighing 90 kilos it will be necessary to start with 20-30mg, while for a person weighing 68 kg we will start with 15-25mg.

  • 2. You start small and gradually increase

Let's say you have a friend weighing 68kg who claims to take 50mg of CBD twice a day, achieving all the desired effects. However, following his advice would not be the most sensible approach here. Why?

Each individual human body responds to cannabinoids a little differently, has a different history of taking various drugs, supplements and the like. This and many other factors in the result strongly affect the individual effect of CBD. It is therefore best to estimate the gross required dose by weight and, in case of failure, to increase the dose.

  • 3. Consult a doctor

Even though your doctor may not know much about the effects of CBD, you will not pay anything to try. Ask your doctor for his recommendations and get a good final picture of how to use CBD tinctures for your own treatment.

For more information on CBD dosing and measuring the correct dose of tincture, visit the last article: "CBD Dosing".

Possible side effects of CBD extracts

The vast majority of CBD oil does not cause any unwanted, unpleasant negative effects. Thus, according to the findings so far, there is no risk in taking CBD oils and extracts. Nevertheless, very rare and not yet fully demonstrable effects may occur:

  • Nausea

  • Sleep problems

  • Frustration, irritability

However, with regard to the negative symptoms that occur when taking CBD oils or extracts , it should be borne in mind that they occur statistically very rarely. In addition, compared to the negative effects of conventional pharmaceutical opiates, this is a negligible risk.

* All information provided in this article is for information purposes only, in no event. Always act at your own discretion.

AUTHOR: Aaron Cadena ;

Sources: medium.com highlandpharms.com healthline.com ncbi.nlm.nih.gov