• CBD is a non-psychoactive component of cannabis
  • It acts on a variety of receptor systems in the human body
  • There are a number of clinical, animal and in vitro treatments currently in progressroexperiments
  • Scientists believe that the complex effect CBDit positively affects conditions such as addiction or anxiety

Cannabidiol (CBD)is one of many cannabinoids produced cannabis plant. In terms of plant content, it is ranked second after the well-known THC. The main characteristic of these so-called phytocannabinoids (phyto = taken from Greek, is plant) is their ability interaction with the human endocannabinoid system. (He knowsin the article "Introduction to Endocannabinoid System" )

While THC it is known mainly for its psychoactive and therapeutic effects CBDon the contrary, it is significant because it does not seem to have any effect on the individuals psyche (only antidepressant effects are mentioned), but it also has a number of beneficial effects as a THC. This makes it a very interesting prospect in the eyes of doctors, scientists and patients.

Evaluateevidence to date

The most interesting feature CBD is its wide-ranging therapeutic and therapeutic use. However, it should be borne in mind that individual CBD applications for individual disorders and diseases are validated by different degrees of study and scientific materials. Some of the therapeutic effects CBD are already verified by clinical trials, others only from animal experiments and others are observed, for example, in in vitro microscopic tests (so-called tube). In addition, each of these studies has its strengths and weaknesses.

KlIn particular, inquiries allow us to observe in particular the effects and effectiveness of treatment for disorders and diseases in humans, while animal and in vitro testsExperiments allow us to look in more detail at the functioning and biological mechanisms of actiont CBD. However, animal tests rarely lead to clinical applications, but their results are very valuable pieces of biological knowledge about the functioning of substances. In addition, most of the early breakthroughs are happening during animal testing.

Foris CBD so therapeutically effective?

CBD has so far been most famous for its stunning effectsagainst resistant forms of childhood epilepsy. At the moment, a number of clinical investigations are underway to deal with the application of CBD to patients with epilepsy. However, there is additional evidence, especially from animal studies and in vitro experimentsthe effectiveness of CBD against inflammation, its function as an analgesic neuroprotective properties and also very interesting therapeutic effects in motivational disorders such as depression, anxiety and also addiction.

But what is the biological basis of all these beneficial effects of CBD? The key part is downright "promiscate Pharmacology CBDthat is, its ability to act on a wide range of receptor regions in both the brain and the body.

CBD působení na mozek

Brain Receptor System

Our brain contains a huge number of highly specialized cells called neurons. Each neuron is then linked to a variety of other neurons using structures called synapses. Synapses are places where individual neurons communicate - "messengers" are substances called neurotransmitters. (See below)

Sensitivity individuallyneurons to individual neurotransmitters is then directly affected by the number of receptors that are able to receive and recognize the neurotransmitters. We can imagine this mechanism as different types of sockets and connections. All neurons contain different types of receptors, prthey may respond to some neurotransmitters and others may not.

Furthermore, brain receptors do not only respond to "home" neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, but also to exogenous substances such as plant cannabinoids, e.g. CBD. So when you smoke or eat medicinal cannabis, you allow the substances originally created for the plant to enter your system and through the blood to get to your brain. As soon as these substances go into the brain, they begin to directly affect common brain functions - but only where the types of receptors are "prepared" for them.

CBD affects mndifferent receptor systems of the body

Although CBD is a cannabinoid, it is not directly interacting with the classic CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors. Instead, it rather indirectly affects their signaling.

Thats itsection explains why CBD it does not act as psychoactively as THC. In contrast, CBD has the ability to increase the production of the bodys own cannabinoids by limiting the production of enzymes that break down our endocannabinoids.

FascinAlso, CBD is that it affects the activity of receptors that do notcannabinoids nothing in common. These include, for example, opioid receptors known for their function of regulating pain. Opioid receptors are also a direct target of pharmaceutical painkillers as well as frequently abused substances such as morphine, heroin or fentanyl. CBD also interacts directly with dopamine receptors, which play a central role in our resulting behavior and motivation.

It is the ability of CBD to act ondopamine receptors may explain why its application reduces feelings of addiction, withdrawal symptoms, and overall symptoms associated with withdrawal of addictive substance. However, this mechanism is still not sufficiently explored and there are still a number of question marks waiting to be explained.

Therapeutic Potential CBD vsIn addition, a very significant serotonin system is related to dependence. The results of animal studies show that CBD directly activates certain serotonin receptors of the brain, and that these interactions also result in a reduction in addiction-related behavior. In addition, this effect on the serotonin system is also associated with a reduction in anxiety that has been demonstrated in both clinical trials and animal experiments.

CBD and serotonin system = promising future

The CBDs ability to act directlyit is associated with a remarkable number of potential therapeutic applications at the A1 serotonin receptors. A pharmacologist and professor at Aberdeen University, Roger Pertwee, describes the biological effect of CBD as follows:

"Eyesvisual ability CBD directly acting on the serotonin A1 receptors leads us to believe thatis able to improve physical conditions such as opiate addiction, neuropathic pain, depression and anxiety, nausea and vomiting (for example, from chemotherapy) or even schizophrenia, "is Roger. "Now, another important step is to find out how similar the results and effects of CBD application in humans will be compared to the results of animal tests."

Since jmost of the results from animal studies only, we need to wait for further results, this time from clinical trials.

CBD: Psychiatric aid or complex pharmacology?

A thorough understanding of CBD is still very complicated, especially due to its action across a variety of receptor regions. This complexity, however, may play a key role in its therapeutic effectiveness. Motivational disorders such as addiction or anxiety are still largely misunderstood by the phenomena that spice up in the many receptor systems. Thus, the complexity of CBD action is within perhaps the right way to fight against complex failures as well.

There is a lot of research that is under way at the momentwith CBD applications to various disorders and diseases. All we have to do is look forward to other deciphered pieces of this complex, biological puzzle.