Cannabis can begrown in a number of different ways. In addition to traditional cultivation in soil, cannabis can also be grown using cultivation systems such ashydroponics, aquaponics and aeroponics. While these growing methods are quite similar, there aresignificant differences between them that may make you prefer one method over the other. Read below to find out how each system works and the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

How to grow cannabis hydroponically?

Hydroponics is a way of growing cannabis without using soil. It is a method of growing using nutrients contained in water. In this method, the roots are immersed in a solution full of nutrients. This way, the plants get the nutrients they need exactly when they need them. Thanks to the direct supply of nutrients , the roots can grow up to four times faster than plants grown in soil.

The benefits of hydroponic cannabis cultivation

There are many advantages to a hydroponic growing system. Some of them are:

More control over nutrient supply

Hydroponic growing offers the grower complete control over the amount of nutrients the plant takes in. With outdoor cultivation, there is much less control over the amount of nutrients the plants receive due to the natural influences that can affect the growth of cannabis plants. Instead of constantly battling the elements, you can easily influence the growing conditions for your plants. You can determine the exact amount of nutrients and ensure that the plant receives exactly what it needs.

Higher yields

With hydroponics, you can give your plants theexact amount of nutrients and water that will allow them to achieve maximum growth. This method allows you to provide the necessary nutrients and see to it that everything is perfect and your cannabis plants stay healthy and achieve high yields.

Lower risk of pests and diseases

When growing cannabis outdoors, plants tend to be more susceptible topests. With a hydroponic system, thelikelihood of pests and diseases is greatly reduced. This is because you have complete control over the growing environment, so pests are less likely to breed, and diseases are less likely to occur in a hydroponic system , so your plants stay healthy.

Disadvantages of hydroponic cannabis cultivation

While hydroponics allows for complete control over the different elements in the grow room, it also has a few drawbacks, which are:

Financial cost

There is no doubt that purchasing the equipment will be much more costlyin the beginning than conventional growing in soil. This is because you will have to spend money on buying pumps, tubing and other accessories. Although the initial costs are usually higher, once you start growing, they will start to decrease and match the costs of growing in soil.

Maintaining the right temperature

Cannabis plants can tolerate temperatures a few degrees cooler in hydroponics than in soil. In a hydroponic system, roots grow best at 18-22 °C. They can tolerate up to 28 °C, but at this temperature their metabolic functions start to slow down. At temperatures above 35 °C, hemp plants die due to insufficient oxygen supply.

Worse error correction

The hydroponic growing system is characterised by a constant supply of water and nutrients to the cannabis plants. The soil will usually dilute the nutrient ratio if the balance is slightly off. There is no correction for any error in hydroponic growing, and if plants are left without nutrients for an extended period of time, it can lead to fatal consequences that will impair plant health and reduce yields.

How to grow cannabis aquaponically?

Aquaponics is another innovative system of growing cannabis plants without the use of soil. Aquaponics is a combination of hydroponics and aquaculture, which is the rearing of fish and other aquatic animals in an aquarium. Aquaponics is very similar to hydroponics, but differs in the source of nutrients supplied to the plants. Thenutrients come from fish excrement. It is a self-contained system that benefits both the plants, the fish and the environment as a whole, as there is no need to use chemical fertilisers or pesticides. Aquaponics creates a symbiosis in which theplants grown on the surface feed on the excrement or waste from the fish while removing the toxic waste that would otherwise collect in the water.

Benefits of aquaponic cannabis cultivation

Many growers use aquaponic systems because they offer many benefits. Below are some of them:

Complete independence

Waste from one organism serves as food for another organism. Fish food made specifically for aquaponic systems will ensure that your plants are not exposed to harmful substances and that these plants contribute to the growth and health of your fish.

Efficient water management

Aquaponic systems use significantly less water, thanks to the repeated circulation of water. Aquaponics can save up to 90% of water, and this is because the water is repeatedly filtered and reused.

Completely environmentally friendly

Theaquaponic system of cannabis cultivation is completely natural because no chemicals or fertilizers are used. In addition, thanks to organic and natural cultivation, both your fish and your plants will be healthy and happy.

Disadvantages of aquaponic cannabis cultivation

Unfortunately, there areseveral disadvantages toaquaponic cannabis cultivation :

High initial costs

The cost of setting up an aquaponic system is unfortunately much higher than the costs associated with growing cannabis in soil. Aquaponics can therefore be a relatively expensive affair. However, the good news is that once the initial costs are covered, you can reap much greater benefits in the long run.

A large amount of maintenance

Maintaining your equipment can be very challenging, as you will have to put in a lot of effort to ensure that it runs smoothly. In addition ,fish require water temperatures within a certain temperature range, so you will need additional equipment to heat or cool the water.

Not suitable for beginners

Aquaponics is quite complex and can be very costly for someone with a lack of experience if unsuccessful. If you are a novice grower, it is better to choose a different growing method, as aquaponics requires at least a basic knowledge of hydroponics and fish farming.

How to grow cannabis aeroponically?

Aeroponics is very similar to hydroponics, except that theroots of the plants float in the air and are irrigated with a mist spray of nutrient-containing water. Aeroponics is usually used when growing cannabis clones to build a healthy root system before planting them in soil or other growing media.

Benefits of aeroponic cannabis cultivation

Like most other methods, aeroponics may not suit every grower, but many growers find it very effective and efficient. Below are some of the benefits of aeroponics:

Total control over nutrient supply

Aeroponics allows the grower to havefull control over the amount of nutrients and the pHlevel , meaning that you can achieve optimum nutrient uptake. In addition ,you have control over the lighting, temperature and humidity in the grow room.

Less water consumption

When growing aeroponically ,you also use much less water than when growing in soil, because thewater that the plants do not use is recycled.

Easy oxygen supply

Becauseaeroponics involves suspending the plant roots in the air, theroots have easier access to oxygen, which promotes root growth.

Accidents of aeroponic cannabis cultivation

Despite all the advantages, aeroponics has some major disadvantages. Below are a few of them:

High financial costs

Aeroponic equipment tends to be quite expensive. Itis financially much more expensive than growing in soil. In addition to the cost of the system itself, you need to factor in the cost of nutrients, temperature control and air filtration, and a possible emergency backup power source.

Not suitable for beginners

Aeroponics requires a lot of time, effort and skill, so if you've never grown cannabis before, it can be challenging at first. There is little room for error. This is why aeroponics is more suitable for more experienced growers.

Maintaining the equipment

Aeroponic systems are usually controlled by a timer that sprays water to the roots at set intervals. Problems can arise if the power goes out or the pump fails unexpectedly. Power outages, malfunctioning pumps and clogged nozzles can ruin your grow. You must make sure you are able to maintain your equipment, obtain spare parts and appropriate tools.

So which system to choose?

Growing cannabis plants with a soilless system is becoming increasingly popular and offers growers a number of significant advantages. Hydroponics, aquaponics and aeroponics are essentially derived from the same growing method. In all of these systems, no soil is used and the plant receives a precise supply of water and nutrients, so the choice of which system to use depends on your preferences, financial means and the time you are willing to devote to growing cannabis. However, if you choose to use one of these systems, it is advisable to have sufficient knowledge and experience. So choose the one that suits you best and get on with growing cannabis.

Are you planning to grow cannabis but find the above systems too complicated? Try growing from seeds with a THC content of up to 1%, which you can buy in our e-shop.
