Cannabis has been accompanying human culture for millennia. The earliest records indicate that the origins of cannabis use date back to ancient Babylon. However, China is making its biggest boom. By the early 3000 BC, the ancient Chinese had grown cannabis on the fiber from which they made ropes, fishing nets and fabrics.

The fiber was also used to produce very durable paper. Up to the present day, the writings (about 1500-2000 BC) have been preserved on which is the record of the then cannabis cultivation in China. Cannabis was not grown only on fiber but also on seeds. At that time, rice, barley, millet, soybean and just mentioned cannabis were grown the most. Only later in the 2nd century BC was it replaced by other more profitable crops.

Indians also boasted rich cannabis experience. Above all, they had grown it for obtaining resin from the flowers they used to make hashish. This tradition has been preserved to this day and is used for religious purposes in India.

Old Egypt and Greece had no experience with cannabis. Cannabis found its use in the Celts, Vikings, Thracians. For centuries it has been tothe beneficial benefits of the fiber. They were mainly made of clothes, shoes, canvas, ropes, ropes, books, maps, paper notes, bed linen, newspapers and canvas. Seed oil was used to produce all possible colors, varnishes, as well as lighting oils. Our ancestors knew that a high percentage of protein was contained in the seeds, so it was included in the diet as one of the main sources of food.

Cannabis in medicine

Hemp and medicine were also important. In China, they used it to treat constipation, malaria, rheumatism, anesthetic, and menstrual problems. In India, doctors, in turn, are treating jaundice, leprosy, anemia, tuberculosis, asthma, colic, epilepsy, anorexia, and nausea. The Czechs made the leaves for compressions in combination with vinegar and juniper for headaches. Brazilians smoke leaves to calm and sleep. Currently, cannabis products for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, oncological diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, ...).

Cannabis in Czech and Moravian Culture

It is said that cannabis came to Bohemia from the Mediterranean or even more distant places in the world. A more accurate date is also unknown. According to archaeological finds of hemp seeds from Klobouky near Brno, people used cannabis here in the 8th century AD. Probably there was much cannabis before, unfortunately no other traces have been preserved.

First place in Bohemia andin Moravia she was interested in textile production next to flax and wool. It was grown mainly in South Bohemia and Moravia, where it had excellent conditions for growing. Higher positions were suitable for flax growing. Male plants were harvested one month earlier than females, which were matured. The male hemp stems were inserted after the harvest for a week in the water where the sun was not allowed to shine (so the streams were planted with willows for casting shadows). This was done primarily to work well with the separation of woody matter from fiber. After a week, the cannabis rinsed and it was possible to dry the sun.

Female plants were harvested in the fall. They tied into sheaves and let them dry out in the field. Then the plants were cleared of seeds using dense iron combs and then sheaves were placed in water (even for more than 3 weeks). The soaking process was followed by drying again. But since the autumn weather is not ideal, dossewn artificially in pazderen. Pazderna was a building with an oven, often the poor people of the village were accommodated here. When the hemp stalks dried up, another stage came: breaking. Breaking off the shives from the fibers, and a few other easy adjustments have made the final clean fiber ready for textile production.

That was the talkabout threads, but what did people do with the seeds obtained? Part The seeds were pressed for edible oil, a portion for oil lighting, something was stocked for sowing for another year, and some was used as food. Odpad (shattered hurts) also did not lose. Used for cattle bedding or building insulation. And roots? Thanks to the smart hands of the charcoal, they were processed into charcoal.

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Cannabis culture in Europe

Cannabis broke through Europe in two ways. From the south of Russia through Lithuania to northern Germany, Sweden, Holland and England. And then from Persia to the Caspian coast through Tajikistan to Greece, Italy, southern France and finally to Central and Western Europe.

The Government of Henry VIII. brings with it the first major boom in cannabis growing in England. Za vHenrys daughter Elisabeth (since 1558) has grown sharply interested in this plant.Subsequently, he also goes to British New World colonies.In Germany n eof greater glory in the 17th century.

Cannabis has become the main crop grown in European countries, and most in naval superpowers due to the popularity of its fibers.

Cannabis in Africa

It was widely used as a ritual plant. It was supposed to help overcome ethnic differences between nations. Dodneriamba ritual takes place in Congo. Menatives believe that they will protect them from physical and mental harm. Throughout the territory of Africa, marijuana is being tapped from a meter pipe to confirm trade.

The 1930s brought total stagnation in cannabis cultivation. Cotton starts to be preferred, then cannabis law is issued. It points to narcotic effects, cannabis abuse.

The present recognizes two types of cannabis: technical and so-called common. Technical is grown for the production of medicines, ointments, perfumes, insulation, feed and more. It has lost its important position and, moreover, it is accompanied by many restrictions for fear of being misused as a drug.