These compounds are known as cannabinoids. There are several hundred of these compounds. However, only a few of them are widely known and studied. Among the most important are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), cannabinol (CBN) and cannabichromene (CBC).

Cannabis CBD is not psychoactive, so it is a non-psychotropic substance and can therefore be used legally in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. In other words, CBD use does not entail behavioral side effects such as euphoria, carelessness, altered perception and behavior, etc., which is associated with the "more famous" cannabinoid of cannabis, known as THC.

Research suggests a number of positive effects on the human body, one of which is, for example, the neuroprotective property - protection of the nervous system, which CBD can offer its users. It also has strong therapeutic effects and works very well against stress. The most commonly used form of CBD is his extracts , so-called CBD oils .

Quality extracts usually contain from 3 to 12% of active substance (however, there are also stronger ones) and also only trace amounts of THC, in particular less than 0.3% of this substance. Only if the products meet these conditions, they are considered legal , so the use of these products behind the wheel will not get you into similar problems as the consumption of alcohol or other drugs.

Is it possible to measure trace amounts of THC from hemp extracts?

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is quite difficult. The time for which the active substance remains in the body is very individual. It depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • your body weight

  • lifestyle

  • metabolic function

  • frequency and quantity CBD oils that you consume

The presence of the substance in the body is determined by drug tests of urine, saliva, blood and hair. These tests are designed to detect THC, not CBD. But that doesn't mean you'll be clean. But you don't have to worry about being tested for blood or urine CBD.  

However, in the vast majority of cases, police officers use only saliva testing during roadside checks. In the Czech Republic, the so-called "drugwipe" is used, which is a quick, one-time orientation test that detects from the saliva within ten minutes whether a narcotic has been ingested. in rare cases, the use of CBD extracts can lead to positive results.

The test will be positive if THC and / or one of its major metabolites THC-COOH contains at least 50 ng / ml. It all depends on the quality and composition of the product, in the case of serious CBD products, the THC content should not exceed 0.3% . If your test were still positive for THC , only a trace amount <0.3% would actually appear , which is a tolerated standard .

The reasons why they detected the presence of THC in your body may be due to the deposition of CBD in fat cells. So if your body weight is slightly higher, the presence of CBD will last longer in your body, compared to other people who have a low percentage of body fat.

Another factor influencing the time of detection of CBD in the body is an active lifestyle. People who lead their lifestyle more actively can break down CBD much faster, and a good metabolic function also speeds up the removal of harmful substances.

However, the metabolism of each individual is crucial . If you naturally have a very good metabolic function, the active substances, whether CBD or THC, can be eliminated much faster. You can read about how long the active substances can be detected in the body here .

Of course, it always depends on the amount and frequency of consumption of CBD extract .

CBD oils during or before driving

Can CBD affect the ability to drive a car?

Every person's body has different reactions to CBD. However, keep in mind that all CBD products have calming and relaxing effects , so your mind will reach a level of rest, which could theoretically affect your ability to drive. These are mainly slow reactions and speed of response to some actions associated with driving.

You may find yourself in a situation where you need to brake hard to prevent an accident. Under the influence of the calming effects of CBD, in combination with the above-mentioned factors that affect the absorption of active substances, your reflexes and alertness could slow down . Decreased peripheral vision may also occur . Simply put, while using the CBD, the driver's ability to react quickly to unexpected situations is seriously compromised.

This topic is very tricky , as experts also disagree with their studies . Some research shows that driving under the influence (alcohol, THC but also CBD) increases the risk of an accident by up to 300%. However, there are also results from independent laboratory tests of cannabis companies, which confirm that if CBD oil contains only trace amounts of THC, then the impact of THC on your endocannabinoid system is really very small, as well as its effect on the ability to drive a car and respond to stimuli in a timely manner.


It is true that if you take CBD products with a very low tolerated THC content (<0.3%) , or even without a THC content, driving is permitted . However, when consuming medicinal cannabis extracts, it is essential to know your body's reactions . If you keep a short time after the last use of CBD products, you can then manage without any problems.

Remember that you always need to take into account your current state of health, both mental and physical, and take care of your safety, as well as the safety of other road users .