It is a hemp extract obtained directly from the tops of the flowers, the so-called buds. Mostly it has sina, dark green color (thanks to chlorophile ). Its effects are inexhaustible and therefore operate on both crohn's disease, anorexia, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, migraine, asthma, skin problems and others. Rick Simpson , who describes him as a fugitive escape in the documentary, is considered to be a discoverer of Phoenix's tears.

How to make Phoenix's tears

As with similar products, the most suitable raw materials, ie. the best buds obtained only from chemically untreated marijuana . They use only the best cannabis species from the Netherlands to produce this extract.

Nejlepší exktrakt získáme přímo z palic jednotlivých rostlin.

How do they look

In the case of Phoenix's tears, we can encounter a liquid most commonly dosed with a syringe.

Only used quantity of rice grain dosed with a syringe.

It also mixes with different dishes and drinks. However, because of its burning taste, I do not recommend it because it will affect the overall taste of the food. The Phoenixs tears can also be mixed with various ointments and creams, and they can be painted outside on the affected

The dosage is then set at 2 "grains" daily , most often morning and evening.

Are there differences between cannabis extracts of different species?

Yes, we can still follow the basic division of sativa and indica.

  • Sativa- especially suitable for people with depression and general fatigue. Here Sativa acts as a source of energy.
  • Indica- has more relaxation features and is therefore suitable for most diseases. It calms and sleeps slightly.

Cannabis vs. OTC drugs

"The US Department of Health (Department of Health and Human Services, DC) has already registered dozens of patents for the therapeutic use of synthetically produced cannabinoids, while US federal authorities further argue that cannabis has no therapeutic value at all."

Still nI know a case where one would overdose cannabis, or hemp itself would cause serious injury or death. These cases also include cannabis extracts as well as Phoenixs tears. However, it is good to follow the recommended dosage and neitherdont overdo them. For us, this extract is illegal if it contains THC above 0.3%.