People have different dependencies from smaller to large. Slot machines, the need to steal, addiction to sex, partner and psychoactive substances (drugs) are often a subject of addiction. Hows the cannabis? Can you build a dependency on it at all? Or is it just a bias and everything is really different?

Scientists themselves are also dealing with this issue. On the basis of this, many books have been published on the topic of drug addiction to marijuana. Lets first define the term addiction. Its a condition an individual who has a constant, compulsive and involuntary need to repeat a particular behavior or requires the use of a particular substance for his or her life.

There are two types of dependencies: physical and mental. Physical is characterized by withdrawal symptoms when the human body that has become accustomed to a certain thing and does not get it protests. It forces the user to keep increasing the previously sufficient substances to achieve the same effect. Addiction has a very negative impact on human life, health and psyche. Even if an individual is aware of side effects and would like to stop, he can no longer.


What is perhaps a bit of positive information, so that marijuana causes a slight physical dependence.

Although occasional consumers do not admit that use should have a negative impact on their lives, this is not the case. Most often people add their addiction together with the use of hard drugs such as cocaine, heroin and more.

Recognize addiction through a few simple questions put together by Marijuana Anonymous (MA).

  • Is marijuana smoking no longer just fun for you?
  • Getting into mood without marijuana is very difficult?
  • Do you observe friends that they are disturbed by your marijuana use?
  • When you are running out of stock, do you feel nervous?
  • Do you feel that your memory, concentration, or motivation has made you worse?
  • Do you feel that you live in your own world where there are no problems due to marijuana?

If one or more questions are answered in the affirmative, the individual may or may not be dependent on cannabis. If someone tried to stop using it, the MA considers it a definite sign of addiction.

Occasional and recreational users take marijuana as part of their lifestyle, but using it does not exceed once a week to avoid addiction. The amount of marijuana, the frequency of addiction-inducing use, is different for each person. Usually it identifies everyday use. Another moment that can reveal dependence is the use of the substance in private  use immediately after waking and also withdrawal symptoms if the substance is not available.

Psychic manifestations of cannabis dependence:

  • depression, anxiety, anorexia to life
  • Loss of motivation to go to society
  • Loss of will to fulfill employee or school duties
  • feelings of fear, panic
  • flushes of sadness
  • loss of confidence

Not only cannabis addiction causes psychological problems, but it also involves a number of health risks. These include the reduction of immune system defense, the risk of developing tumors, acute and chronic bronchitis, respiratory damage, etc. etc.

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Let's take a look at MUDr. Stanislav Kudrle, whose usual practice is to treat people from cannabis dependence. According to his words vzThere is no psychological dependence on cannabinoids, especially in people whose cannabis brings pleasant feelings from the beginning. Conversely, people who experience unpleasant conditions after ingestion will soon drop your anxiety. Addiction begins to manifest slowly, unobtrusively, and the individual does not admit it. The first to notice the changes is the neighborhood (friends, family, teachers). There is a change in habits, attitudes, and values system. Dependence symptoms such as anxiety, severe depression, and more are beginning to appear. Schizophrenia-like conditions may also occur. At that moment, it is really serious. How Mudr. Curly states, anxiety and depression often seen are a really strong cup of coffee.

And how is the treatment? Because it is a soul crisis, so pathe patients undergo psychotherapy for both individual and group meditation and light meditation for anxiety management. Next vThe development depends on the patients attitude.

Treatment of withdrawal symptoms

Hot baths, drinking plenty of liquids (cranberry juice) are recommended, giving potassium to the body when sweating strongly. In the case of digestive problems, it is good to reduce food fats, to avoid caffeine drinks in insomnia and hand shaking, and exercise to alleviate depression.

Nand the conclusion is that there is also a risk of switching to stronger drugs because the body is gradually increasing its resistance to cannabis effects, and so a considerable proportion of users reach something harder to achieve intense intoxication. Spouhundreds of heroin and cocaine users started smoking marijuana. It is true that not everyone who smokes marijuana will later become a drug user. Some even stop smoking with marijuana on their own. But you need to realizethat cannabinoid addiction threatens physical and mental health.

Do you know that cannabis can treat some dependencies? These are for example models that can increase focus.