• The studies deal with the effect of "marijuana" on the perception of time
  • Especially occasional users experience dilation of time perception
  • Tolerance plays an important role in slowing the perception of time

The feeling of slowing or distorting the time after ingesting, for example, a particularly strong cannabis muffin or after applying some of the highly psychoactive varieties, is known to many cannabis and many recreational users. For some, this feeling may be pleasant, for others worrying.

Because the mechanism is distortedIndeed, scientists have become interested in the perception of time, and have conducted a number of tests as administrative researchers. So what does science say about this interesting "cannabis phenomenon"?

Research on the perception of time under the influence of "marijuana"

"One of the most commonly reported effects for cannabis users is the feeling of slowing the perception of time," explains London psychiatrist Zerrin Atakanwho thoroughly assessed all studies dealing with this phenomenon until 2012. "Our survey of studies on the effects of marijuana on users, especially subjective effects, shows that 70% of theunder the influence of cannabis overestimates past noas. In other words, it seems to them that time passes under influence more slowly. "

What should be mentioned, however, is that most of these studies suffer from some shortcomings, such as an insufficient number of subjects studied, consideration of their past and the number of cannabis experiences, differences in application methods - such as vaporization or smoking versus oral, which is very different from smoking. effects - and many other factors to consider.

These deficiencies were identified by the zl teamYales Faculty of Medicine, and later in 2012, this group of researchers decided to stir up the fog that envelops cannabis and "stumble over time".

"The fact that jare some drugs capable of distorting the perception of time, I find it absolutely fascinating, especially when no one can properly explain it. Deepak DSouza, Professor of Yale University in Psychiatry and Head of Research Team. "I found it particularly interesting that the vast majority of people with cannabis feel slowing down their time, describing the cannabis effect as undesirable."

"On the last study 44 individuals with varying depths of experience participated cannabis. Individuals were then given either placebo or dose THCranging from 0.015 mg / kg to 0.05 mg / kg (intravenous administration). "

The first test was the so-called "estimation task", where individual researchers repeatedly asked, every 5-30 seconds, how much time they thought had passed. In order to avoid active counting of the time, the subjects had to perform another, distracting activity - for example, they had to calculate the number of letters B in a given article paragraph and the like. In the second test, subjects performed a similar distraction activity, but were asked to hold one of the keys on the computer for a predetermined period of time.

The results were then -subjects who underwent cannabis re-evaluation on average 25% compared to their sober counterparts and 15% less time on the time measurement key.

Cannabisindeed, it affects the perception of time - 5 minutes can therefore be perceived as 10 and so on, "says project manager DSouza." The subjective feeling is that external time is slower. But this effect only comes when the perception of time from within is accelerated. "

Cannabis Marijuana and Time

More simply, subjects under the influence of THC experienced an acceleration of their inner thoughts and subjectexternal perception, whereupon the external stream of time seemed to slow them down. However, after the sobering up, this effect always disappeared.

Similarthe effect of accelerating the internal clock of the organism was also observed in animal experiments. For example, in one of the studies in 2001, where mice were given an influencing chemica endocannabinoid system have shown exactly the same results as people in later studies. The same results were also observed in monkey experiments.

What affects dilatation of time perception?

In what way can cannabis affect and accelerate our inner clocks?

"Its still quite mysterious, and all the hypotheses dealing with this phenomenon are merely speculative," DSouza said.

Howeverother studies show that the so-called talamo-corti is an integral part of the brain that is responsible for the correct perception of timeco-striatal circuit.In addition, this area of the brain is also known for high cannabinoid receptor content. Mechanism flooding the brain with cannabinoids such as THC and specifically affecting receptors in this brain region could therefore explain this phenomenon.

Long term versus occasional cannabis use

Subsequent analyzes of studies by Dr. DSouze and his team show that the effect of affecting time perception is more common, especially for those who consume cannabis only occasionally, compared to users who use it more often. Temporarily altered time perception was observed in all occasional users who received a medium to high dose, while frequent users (2-3 weeks or more) were completely immune to this effect.

Scientists are trying to explain these differences with a number of hypotheses. Onceof these, even though euforic is retained by busy usersEffect their receptors are so "accustomed" to external THC that they no longer affect their normal function, and thus not the perception of time.

DaThe next hypothesis is then an intuitive re-calibration of internal biological clocks - users are so accustomed to the effect of slowing time that their perception is automatically re-calibrated and the perception of time returns to normal. In this case, however, such individuals would have to spend more time under the influence of cannabis than in a sober state.

The ultimate pitcannabis use and changes in time perception

"The right timing concerns absolutely all actions and behaviors," says Atakan.ch quite dangerous. Many of the day-to-day performances, such as simply crossing the road, require accurate time perception. "

While outhence cannabis with one look can be used as a pleasant "extender of the day", it is also necessary to count with certain risks. "Changing the internal perception of time can be quite dangerous, for example if the person operates a technology that requires careful attention and so on. For this reason, this factor influencing the perception of time, each user should count and apply cannabis only in appropriate, safe situations. "

However, in the end, despite the many studies that have been done on this phenomenon, I am still very, very far from a more thorough understanding of the matter. The perception of time and time as such is a mystery even without added THC.

As the doct saysor Atakan: "We have just enough studies on it to be able to thoroughly explain the whole issue. In order to understand with certainty the effect of cannabis on the perception of time, you need to to devise and apply more thorough research methods . "

For example, in the future, scientists are preparing for a more thorough scan of brain areas that are reportedly responsible for the perception of time.

Such a futureHowever, the company can be quite far away ... or do you just feel it?