• Varieties of medicinal cannabis are diverse by nature, both in appearance and effect on body and psyche
  • Cannabis gourmets often melt over blue marijuana varieties, such as the well-known Blueberry
  • However, the blue cannabis species also have something to offer to those who are treated with substances from marijuana

Blue cannabis cannabis species and varieties can be found in many different genetic phenomena. Some of the plants achieve blue color in nature, others need a little help. Effective blue coloring can be achieved relatively simply by reducing the temperature of the place where the plants bloom. Those who are accustomed to outdoor cultivation have certainly noticed that during the climate change from summer to autumn, a blue to violet color is commonly found.

However, if you are interested opthe vivid, genuine varieties bearing the noble genes of the original Blueberry , then you will surely be attracted by the following 6 cannabis varieties:

purple cannabis marijuana blueberry

1. Blue Dream

The first one to mention is the modern celebrity among the marijuana varieties - Blue Dream . It is not in vain to find all marketing knowledgeable cannabis dispensers. In the US, where cannabis is already legal for therapeutic and recreational purposes, is Blue Dream statistically best-selling variety. Shortly after legalization in the states of Washington and Colorado Blue Dream in showcases newly opened dispensaries immediately caught on. In one year it has sold staggering 34 million grams.

How much did Blue Dream earn, you ask? Pleasant $ 13 million. But how is it possible that a variety like the Blue Dream will dominate the entire market?

Head of one of the companies Binghame, the corporate director, will probably not be far from the truth. Indeed, his company has a viewfinder of more than 20 million cannabis deal transactions made in Washington and Colorado. In tightm towing for blue Dreamemaccording to statistics he found himselflandracemodel DurbanPoison, apparently popular for its purely energetic effect.

"It is not surprising here that Blue Dreams was sold the most in California. Indeed, Blue Dream ishe is among Californian cannabis celebrities, and as you know, Californians go after cannabis as smoked. ”

But let's look at the true qualities of this model. After all, customers return to him for a reason other than advertising. The root of success is perhaps a root in Sativa genetics, which is very popular among users due to its stimulating effect. However, the key value here is also uniquely strong terpenes , especially afterwards  alpha-pinen Terpen, called pinen, lends heavily pine aroma to cannabis flowers.

But this is just the beginning of the pine and taste. We already know that, when combined with the terpene, pinene cannabinoid THC occurs in the human body to a different synthesis of THC and other psychological effect. Therefore, users praise the gradual start-up of Blue Dream During which they are less influenced by THC and are able to maintain smooth thoughts, some users even praise higher performance in both creative and physical work.

CannabisCook : "Friends, friends and all the red-haired compatriots. Borrow me your hearing for a little while, as I bring a great story about the marijuana fairy tale called the Blue Dream .

It was 2014. It was a quiet, April evening. With great zeal, I picked up my first ten grams of the fragrant Blue Dream . The density of the flowers, the number of shining hairs, and the dazzling resins were enough to make you tear. I thrust one of the drumsticks passionately and loaded a very generous pipe . One full pipe and eight minutes later I started to say that this variety was a bit weak for my class consumer. At the same time, however, the state of bacillus crossed me like a hundred-ton locomotive. Total euphoria and the feeling of salvation made me constantly repeat the word " WHoaaa ". I looked around the room and was able to see all the details of this suddenly novelistic environment.

But suddenly I realized that a deeply strong sense of pure energy was taking hold, something like an eagle opening its wings majestically and taking off directly into a warm stream where it just floated. If you ever want to feel like an eagle, the Blue Dream is within reach.

Eventually, however, the magically intoxicating Indica crept up . Her side of the barricade is much calmer and wobbly. I welcomed her with open arms and a deep seat in a chair that had been able to provide extreme ability in the last half hour comfort levels . Finally, get out of the twelve sandwiches and let some of the favorite series go into the playlist , because you won't be able to enjoy a few hours of well-being want to move.

I would say that the point of this story-based fairy tale is that the Blue Dream is simply a dream-like variety, capable of providing the perceptions previously considered almost impossible. Wrap the free amount of the Blue Dream  with a strike and let the unexpected move. "

2. Blue Velvet

Blue Velvet, or Blue Velvet, is a variety named especially for the appearance of flowers that it can produce under the clever hands of growers. The velvety blue cannabis buds are hypnotized from the point of view of gardeners . Similar to Blue Dreama is one of the most popular varieties of marijuana in northern California, plus Blue Velvet provides the best of both cannabis genetics to the user - exactly fifty -fifty hybrid of Sativa and Indica .

The velvety blue look goes hand in hand with it by terpene profile of flowers .After smelling the flowers of the Blue Velvet, you cannot miss the heavily perfumed, floral aroma that goes hand in hand with both the name and the look of this captivating, healing flower. If youre looking for under the Blue Velvet, its good to know that this model is sometimes called BlueThai- it is a cross between classics Purple Thaiand Afghani.

Rnspeights : First of all, I have to say that I am a very picky man and as far as ganja is concerned , I feel twice as much about quality. What then does Blue Velvet have the most popular variety of all? This means that Blue Velvet is capable of enriching the senses with few others. Food? Under the influence of Blue Velvet, I enjoy eating like never before. Further - coughing when smoking a joint? Certainly not if it is a joint full of velvet Blue Velvet. In addition, my usual hemlock, which I experience after the marijuana's effect has subsided, is also absent. "

3. Blue Kush

Talking about Californian and blue hemp models, we have the ultimate genetic combo Blue Kush . Marijuana and its models know what Kush is in California . In short, it is a totally dominant variety that has been the main driver of the market since medicines were still taboo.

However, the warning is obvious - it is an extremely potent type of marijuana , often containing more than 25% of the psychoactive cannabinoid. One of the side effects of too much THC can be feelings of insecurity, paranoia, and anxiety. However, if strong cannabis is needed for treatment, high cannabinode content is considered appropriate and the user can also save money with Blue Kushe due to lower consumption.