• Although the CBD is excellent, versatile therapeutic substance for which there are more and more uses almost on a daily basis, still on thiscannabinoidThere are many recurring queries and questions

Use CBD it is becoming widely knownlikehealthier alternative to conventional pharmaceuticals, steroid ointment, or, for example, all kinds of medicaments commonly available in pharmacies. For those of you who are still not entirely clear why so many people routinely offered drugs instead choosing just the CBD, in this article we will try to answer the most frequently asked questions about universally effective cannabinoid.

1. What exactly is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of about a hundred cannabinoids, the active substances found in cannabis plants. CBD, like the much better known THC, acts neuroprotectively, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, but it does not affect motor abilities compared to THC and can be said to be generally non-psychoactive. However, the non-psychoactive effect of CBD is still debatable.

2. What he has CBDuse?

CBD can be used as a drug against a wide range of diseases and diseases such as epilepsy, joint pain, nerve pain, accelerating wound healing, skin problems, inflammation, muscle painand many others.

CBD also improves blood circulation and promotes cell regeneration, making it a candidate for assistance in a myriad of diseases. In addition, CBDs abilities extend to mental disorders such as severe depression and anxiety, especially due to its antioxidant effect.

3. It is CBDlegal?

Yes,CBD is absolutely legal with us and you can order it with us at our e-shop. You can choose from Phoenix drops of various flavors, capsules filled with CBD extract or a special CBDa extract.

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4. It turns out CBDon a drug test?

If you use only products containing pure CBD that are free of all THC, you do not have to worry about a positive test for "marijuana" metabolites.

Totalit can be said that if you dont take really huge doses of CBD, there should be no problem. When taking high doses, in some cases the CBD in the body may turn into THC and the test will be positive, but it is literally a rarity.

5. In what forms is it possible CBDuse?

CBD is currently most commonly used in the form of oil, especially because of the utmost potential. In addition, oils can be mixed with other beneficial herbs, so that the healing effect of the oil can be increased. In addition, oils can be used in different ways, either through the skin, under the tongue or simply into warm tea.

6. Contain CBDproducts also THC?

Yes, some of the CBD-containing products may contain THC. Such products are mainly available in countries where cannabis is already legal for therapeutic and recreational purposes. For now, you can buy oils and extracts containing only pure, natural CBD.

However, some of the studies point to the importance of the so-called cannabinoid chain effect. This means that in some conditions, treatment cannabinoids work best together, ie across the spectrum. 

7. How to use CBD?

As already mentioned, CBD can be applied both over the skin and through the digestive tract, or by inhalation using special vaporizers. If a relaxing, soothing or antistress effect is required, mostly CBD it adds to meals, smoothies, teas or simply drips under the tongue, where it dissolves in seconds.

8. Can be purchased CBDonline?

Of course, as we have already mentioned, high quality plan CBD extracts it is possible to buy it legally at e-shop.