Cannabis use

In some countries of the world, the use of cannabis by people is legal, in some places only medical use is allowed - by prescription, in some places even "recreational". Where the use of cannabis is prohibited, it can also be used illegally, thereby putting the user in conflict with the law and facing the appropriate penalties that are currently established in the given state.

One of the most well-known effects of cannabis is a state of euphoria, a feeling of relaxation, accelerated heart rate, uncontrollable bursts of laughter, changes in the perception of the surroundings. These conditions are often accompanied by dry mouth and red eyes.

Cannabis is usually well tolerated by the user. Given that even small doses often bring sufficient relief, side effects are observed rather in exceptional cases. If they occur, the cause is either a higher dose or a combination with alcohol or alcohol-like substances. In most cases, side effects are mild and usually disappear within a few days.

The use of cannabis for medicinal purposes does not carry great risks and there is no need to worry about addiction. For effective cannabis treatment, it is enough to follow the parameters of the treatment. Above all, in cases where it is the beginning of use or when the patient uses larger doses of cannabis, it is advisable for him to be in contact with or under the supervision of an educated person (e.g. a family member) who can be close to him in case of unpleasant feelings, nausea or even deterioration of the state of health, which can occur especially in first-time users, but after a relatively short time everything normalizes and this experience is rarely repeated.

Opinions on cannabis change over time in society, that is without debate. Whether used for medical or recreational purposes, cannabis is increasingly accepted in many parts of the world. However, we still don't know everything about cannabis, including how safe long-term (chronic) cannabis use is.

Cannabis is most easily consumed in the form of smoking, but there are also healthier ways, such as vaping. Vaping is one of the healthiest methods of using cannabis. Instead of burning cannabis flowers to create smoke, you simply heat it in a vaporizer. Using a vaporizer has the same effect as smoking cannabis, but without the negative effects of inhaling the smoke.

Marijuana smokers have invented many original ways to smoke cannabis - joints, spliffs, various pipes, siphons, chilums, bongs, blunts, dabs and others.

It is also possible to use cannabis by consuming it in food, sublingually in hemp oils under the tongue, or dermally - by using a cream or ointment on the skin.

Text for educational purposes only, always inform yourself about the current legislation in your country!

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