The most interesting topics from the world of cannabis and its current events can be found in this regularly updated category. Are you interested in issues of legalization and laws and cannabis? Or would you like to know every news about substances like CBD, CBC, CBG or terpenes? Do you want to have an overview of the news in the range of CBD products? Or would you like to know about every new study in the field of cannabis use and effective terpenes? Then you are very right here.
Do you know what studies are going on around us right now and what they are focusing on? If not, this is the place to find all the answers to your questions and top-notch information. You will also read about news from the world of products containing medical cannabis. Here you will find instructions on the use and application of CBD, dosage and much more. All the articles are interesting next to each other, you just have to choose what you are interested in and start reading. And what more?
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Fascinating recent archaeological finds tell us that a number of historical, ancient depictions of the "Tree of Life" are quite possibly ancient illustrations of medicinal cannabis plants.
GreenLight Pharmaceuticals Ltd seeks to improve the background for medical cannabis in terms of clinical research, access itself, education and understanding.
Mezinárodní trh v poslední době zaznamenává vysoký nárůst zájmu o CBD. Díky dostupným informacím se o CBD produktech dozvídá stále více lidí, a roste tak i jeho poptávka na trhu. Statistiky pro následující roky jsou příznivé, jelikož se počítá s téměř trojnásobným zvýšením tržeb. K úspěchu CBD přispívá také obměna produktů a jejich uvádění do prodeje. V nabídce dnes najdeme kromě CBD olejů také CBD gumové medvídky, CBD kosmetiku či tinktury.
Like cannabis, kratom is a completely natural substance . Specifically, it is a plant whose Latin name is Mitragyna Specios. It belongs to the same family as, for example, the coffee tree, but it has relatively different effects compared to it. And we will say a few interesting things today about the effects of kratom ...
The year 2022 brought a legislative change in the Czech Republic in the amount of cannabinoids contained in technical hemp, so this change brought the possibility of growing a wider number of varieties that meet this new limit.
Brighten up your summer with three refreshing CBD drinks! Enjoy the unique taste of CBD summer drink that will energize you and calm your mind. ️ Enjoy a quiet moment of relaxation with our exceptional summer drinks that add a passionate experience to every moment!