Hemp contains many active substances - the main active substances are cannabinoids, among which THC and CBD stand out for their effect. Other ingredients are mainly essential oils, terpenes, flavonoids and alkaloids. Cannabinoids are a group of chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. Some of these are psychoactive, such as THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and can induce feelings of euphoria and relaxation. Other cannabinoids, such as CBD (cannabidiol), do not have any psychoactive effects, but still act on the human endocannabinoid system and thus attract a lot of medical interest who want to know more about their medical properties.

THC is the main cannabinoid most people associate closely with cannabis. It is responsible for the euphoric effects of cannabis. It also reduces pain (useful for medical users), increases appetite and aids sleep. Appreciated by both recreational and medical users.

There is much debate in the cannabis community about the specific individual benefits of each cannabinoid. THC mimics the body's effect of natural anandamide, the so-called "bliss" molecule. CBD relieves cramps, inflammation, anxiety and nausea in animal studies. CBD may also counteract THC-induced memory impairment. CBG (Cannabigerol) is non-psychoactive, but still affects the overall effects of cannabis. CBG has been shown to promote apoptosis in cancer cells and inhibit tumor development in mice. Apoptosis is the process of "self-destruction" in cancer cells, so cancer researchers are also interested in the use of cannabis. And there are many other cannabinoids that still need to be fully explored.

Around 100 or more other cannabinoids are thought to be present in cannabis. Their medical effects are just beginning to emerge. The scientific approach will not be easy, as some cannabinoids are thought to enhance the effects of others. And some cannabinoids are thought to counteract the effects of others. The outcome of this research will influence the future of cannabis breeding. Breeders will enjoy the challenge of selectively breeding new strains to be rich in specific blends of cannabinoids.

Scientific research into cannabis and its many components will continue, but for now, THC remains the molecule most associated with the effects of cannabis. It can increase appetite, which can be important for a medical user, such as someone undergoing chemotherapy. THC can also reduce nausea, another important medical benefit. And if you take too much THC-rich cannabis, you can feel very drowsy, which is a major benefit for some medical cannabis users. And of course, THC helps create the wonderful feeling of relaxation that recreational cannabis users adore. For many cannabis lovers, THC-rich cannabis is the best natural anti-anxiety herb on the planet.

Cannabis is used in the treatment of:

Neurological diseases - multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases (neurodegenerative diseases), epilepsy (seizure-like diseases), Tourette's syndrome (hereditary neuropsychological disease), Huntington's disease (hereditary neurodegenerative diseases), neuropathic pain, migraine, "Cluster headache" (seizure-like cyclic pain head), dystonia (for example in cerebral palsy) and brain and spinal cord trauma.

Diseases associated with the immune system response - allergies, asthma, atopic eczema, Crohn's disease (autoimmune inflammation of the colon) or rheumatoid arthritis.

Oncological diseases for which the positive effect of cannabis has already been safely demonstrated, such as prostate, skin, breast, brain and other types of cancer. However, the effectiveness of the treatment varies according to the type of cancer. However, relief from the side effects of classical anti-cancer treatment (chemotherapy and radiotherapy) is clear.

Psychiatric diseases such as depression, obsession, anxiety, ADHD (hyperkinetic disorder) or psychosis (positive effect of cannabidiol - CBD) can be tried to be influenced with the help of cannabis, but always in combination with psychotherapy.

Other diseases: diabetes, hypertension, skin diseases, anorexia, loss of appetite (supportive treatment for oncological diseases, organ transplantation or antiviral treatment for AIDS), insomnia, obesity, burns, inflammation (antibiotic and antiviral effects), glaucoma - glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure).

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