Hindu Kush vs Afghani - THC content - very low (do 1%)

Hindu Kush and Afghani are two geographical genetics that have a long history of cultivating cannabis in the area that bears their name. Although the two are related, they have some significant differences. Hindu Kush is known for its short and compact structure, which makes it a good choice for cultivation in higher mountain areas. This genetics tends to produce strong and relaxing effects, making it popular with consumers seeking relaxation and stress relief. Afghani, on the other hand, is also short and robust, but is often suitable for growing in warmer lowland areas. This genetics is known for its physical and sedative effects, which can be useful for treating pain and insomnia. Both of these genetics have deep roots in the history of cannabis cultivation and have become important foundations for many modern varieties. Their different properties and effects have attracted consumers and growers around the world. The cultivation of some varieties of cannabis may be restricted by legislation.