Arnica - 100% Natural Essential Oil (10ml) - Pestik

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Arnica oil is energizing, powerful, healing, durable and protects the skin. More

Arnicamontana (Arnica montana)

Arnica oil is produced by low-temperature maceration (solar infusion) of the bright yellow petals of Arnica montana in organic sunflower oil for over 8 weeks to extract its fat-soluble constituents. Arnica montana also called Leopard's Bane, Wolf's Bane, Mountain Tobacco or Mountain Arnica.

Uses of Arnica oil

Topical application improves circulation, reduces inflammation and relieves pain associated with sprains, arthritis, rheumatism and soft tissue injuries. Studies have shown that the primary compounds responsible for Arnica's pronounced anti-inflammatory effect are sesquiterpene lactones, especially helenin.

The proven analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of organic arnica oil have led to its well-deserved reputation as a highly sought-after natural pain reliever in alternative pain management and homeopathic medicine. It is a great addition to the alternative medicine cabinet, especially for people who are prone to exercise-induced injuries such as bruises or sprains. Arnica oil also significantly reduces post-operative pain and inflammation in patients.

The pain-relieving and health-promoting properties of organic arnica oil make it an ideal ingredient for use in massage and pain therapy formulations. Arnica Montana is popularly used as an ointment or salve to relieve strained muscles, treat sprains and strains, and also to reduce bruising. It is also a great ointment for helping with joint pain and arthritic problems.

How to use

The oil is suitable to use for aromatherapy.

The oil can be used to enrich cosmetic creams, for bathing or massage.

It is a cosmetic product, not intended for internal use.