Sunset Sherbet vs Gelato - Flower length - medium (8-10 weeks)

Both of these varieties, Sunset Sherbet and Gelato, are known for their rich flavors and aromas, and both share genetic roots that link them in a unique way.

Sunset Sherbet delivers a blend of citrus, sweet and earthy notes, making it one of the most sought after varieties among consumers and growers. Its medium to tall growth habit is often adorned with gorgeous orange and purple hues, making it a true joy to grow and observe.

Gelato, on the other hand, often referred to as a "dessert" cannabis variety, is known for its deep and rich profile that combines sweet and fruity notes with a hint of cream. Gelato, like Sunset Sherbet, tends to have a medium growth structure, but often with more green and dark purple hues. Interestingly, both varieties share genetics from Girl Scout Cookies, which explains some of their similar characteristics.

Whether you prefer the fresh and complex flavours of Sunset Sherbet or you're getting carried away by the creamynotes of Gelato, both varieties represent the best in modern cannabis breeding and are a great choice for foodies.

The cultivation of some cannabis varieties may be restricted by legislation.